Release 4.56.0 MDLP October 21, 2023

18 февраля 2025 22:26

Английская локализация

Installed on the Sandbox test environment: 10/10/2023

Installed on the production environment: 21/10/2023

XSD-schemes version: 1.38

A possibility to manage impersonal EQES in order to integrate via API has been added for a goods accounting system

In accordance with FZ-63 "On electronic signature" a possibility to use impersonal EQES was added into the MDLP FGIS.

Impersonal EQES means a certificate containing information about a participant only. Such certificate does not contain information on a physical entity, i.e., there are no parameters of last name, first name, patronymic name, SNILS. The participants can use the impersonal certificate to integrate with information systems.

The following features have been added into a GCP’s UA in the section "Administration - Accounting systems" to use impersonal EQES (Figure 1):

  • adding a certificate;

  • deleting a certificate;

  • viewing a certificates registry.

Figure 1. Viewing EQES certificates for the accounting system

If an impersonal EQES certificate has been added for an accounting system, this certificate will be used for API interactions.

Thus, there are two options for interaction via API: the current one and by means of impersonal EQES.

A possibility to create an instruction for medicines in the form of json structure has been added

When creating and editing a container, now there are two modes of work with json in a modal window in the section "Products - Registry of instructions and images" in the GCP’s UA:

  1. Adding a JSON instruction as a file;

  2. Filling a JSON instruction form manually.

When adding a file, information from the file will be transferred to the corresponding fields of the form. Data previously entered on form will be deleted.

More detailed information can be found at link.

Support of details of prescription at SGTIN level in retail sales receipts

In connection with increase in pharmaceutical entities’ requests to view information on prescription details when conducting the retail sales of the prescription medicines, information on prescription details (number, series, date of prescription) has been added at SGTIN level into document 10511 - Retail sale using CRE (document "10511 - Retail sale using CRE" has been expanded as follows: tag prescription "Prescription" has been added into the tag items "List of the goods items in fiscal receipt").

If retail sale of the prescription medicine is carried out with the use of fiscal data format of version 1.2, prescription details shall be filled in tag 1265 which is a part of the structure of tag 1260. The rules for filling out the industrial details in a receipt are prescribed in Appendix 3 to Instruction on Submission of Information by Pharmaceutical Entities to Track and Trace System of Medicines for Medical Use (Passports of processes of MDLP).

New logic to work with receipts of distance selling

For an unambiguous reflection of the fact of distance selling of the medicine via cash register equipment, it is possible for participants of distance selling of the medicine to fill in an attribute of distance selling in industrial details of the receipt (tag 1265) as follows: tm=mdlp&sid=00752852194630&ds=1&, where the expression "ds=1" means that the medicine was sold remotely. To reflect a fact of distance selling, an attribute of distance selling was added into document 10511 – Retail sale using cash register equipment (a structure of the document "10511 - Retail sale using cash register equipment" has been extended with tag distance_selling "Receipt of distance selling"). The rules for filling out the industrial details in a receipt are prescribed in Appendix 3 to Instruction on Submission of Information by Pharmaceutical Entities to Track and Trace System of Medicines for Medical Use (Passports of processes of MDLP).

Other improvements in the UA

An error while attempting to log in has been added for locked organization manager

Two errors have been added for a login form for cases when a locked user tries to log into a GCP’s UA:

  1. The following error will be displayed when an organization manager with a locked account tries to log into the GCP’s UA: "Operation error: Organization manager user account is locked in the system. To unlock the account, contact the Technical Support Service";

  2. The following error will be displayed when a user of the organization with a locked account tries to log into the GCP’s UA: "Operation error: User account is locked in the system. To unlock the account, contact your system administrator".

A text of the error occurred while trying to authorize with a physical entity certificate w/o a machine-readable POA has been changed

The following error will be displayed if a user tries to authorize by using EQES of a physical entity with missing or inactive machine-readable POA: " Operation error. No valid machine-readable powers of attorney were found. To log in to a user account, the head of the organization shall issue a machine-readable POA to you. An instruction can be found at this link".

Conditions of sending notification "633" about suspension/resumption of medicine circulation have been expanded

Notification "633 - Notification on warning or violation" with "Type of warning or violation" (warning_type) = "Information notice" (4) is sent regardless of the initiator of suspension/resumption. Previously, notification was sent only if the initiator was Roszdravnadzor. An initiator is specified in a notification text.

If the notification contains information about events with different initiators, the notification will be grouped by initiators (Figure 2).

Figure 2. Notification of decision on medicine circulation

Information on description of the primary package has been added to the registry of medicines

A new field "Primary package details" has been added to the following sections of the GCP’s UA:

  • "Medicines - Registry of medicines" (Figure 3);

  • "Medicines - Registry of medicines - Viewing medicine";

  • "Medicines - General registry of registered medicines"

this field is also supported in exports.

Figure 3. Primary additional attributes in the "Registry of medicines"

API updates

1. A new parameter prod_pack_1_desc "Description of primary medicine package" was added into the following methods: 

a. GET /reestr/med_products/{gtin} - Method for obtaining detailed information about a medicine manufactured by the company;

b. GET /reestr/med_products/public/{gtin} - Method for obtaining public information about the manufactured medicine;

c. POST /reestr/med_products/current - Method for obtaining information from the registry of medicines manufactured by the company;

d. POST /reestr/med_products/public/filter - Method for searching public information in the registry of the manufactured medicines.

A logic of the work of the method to edit container PUT/reestr/containers/{container_id} - Method to edit a container has been improved. A container can be edited if it has one of the statuses:

a. DRAFT - "Draft"; 

b. APPROVED - "Confirmed";

c. DECLINED - "Denied".

 Information on entity_type = 11 - Pharmaceutical entities that are not registered with the system will not be returned in the output data of the method POST /reestr_partners/filter.

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