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Release 4.38.2 MDLP on March 28, 2021

24 января 2025 15:48

Information about the content of the release in Russian can be found at this link.

Installation on the production environment: 28/03/2021 12:00 AM - 8:00 AM

Installation on the Sandbox test environment: 08/04/2021 4:00 PM - 10:00 PM


New section “Products - SGTIN Registry” will be added

This registry will store information on the marking codes emitted from 28/03/2021. The codes will be stored throughout their life cycle and 60 days after the disposal operation is processed. After 60 days, the SGTIN information is transferred directly to the long-term storage - “SGTIN Archive”.

Section "Products - Registry of products by SGTIN" is renamed as "Registry of SGTINs emitted before 28/03/21"

This registry will not be updated with new data. At the same time, code information will also be moved to the archive storage after 60 days after disposal operations are processed.

Section “Products - Search for information in the SGTIN archive" is renamed as "SGTIN Archive"

Only the name has been changed, the features remain the same. It is possible to get full information from the archive storage by SGTIN

Section “Products temporarily withdrawn from circulation - Registry of medicines temporarily withdrawn from circulation” is divided into two registries

Depending on the emission date, SGTIN will be located in one of the two registries when the circulation is suspended:

  • "Registry of temporarily suspended SGTINs" contains information on temporarily suspended ICMs emitted after 28/03/2021;
  • "Registry of temporarily suspended SGTINs emitted before 28/03/2021” contains information on temporarily suspended ICMs emitted before 28/03/2021.

API modifications

More information on revision list can be found in documentation. To receive technical documents on API methods, please contact technical support at support@crpt.ru.

Work of schemes (210,220) and other API methods providing information on SGTIN or SSCC remains the same

Regardless of where the SGTINs are stored, the scheme receipt or method processing result will return the required information on the ICMs.

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