Release 4.64.0 MDLP October 12, 2024

4 октября 2024 08:37

Information about the content of the release in Russian can be found at this link

Installed on the Sandbox test environment: 08.10.2024

Installed on the production environment: 12.10.2024

XSD-schemes version: 1.38


A possibility to upload a machine-readable PoA from the FTS host was added

“+ Add PoA” button was added to the POA registry. Clicking this button will open an action algorithm to add a machine-readable PoA from the FTS host.

   Рисунок 1. Adding the machine-readable PoA from the FTS host

To add an external machine-readable power of attorney, it is necessary to send an email to and indicate the following in a subject line: “Adding an external machine-readable PoA to MDLP”. We need you to provide the following information in the email:

  • PoA No. taken from the FTS site;

  • INN of the grantor;

  • INN of the attorney-in-fact.

Please note that to succeed in adding the external machine-readable PoA, it shall comply with the following requirements:

  • The machine-readable PoA has an Active status;

  • Signatory is a head of organization;

  • Powers have been indicated according to the scheme at link;

  • Attorney-in-fact has been added into the MDLP user account as a user;

  • This attorney-in-fact does not have other active machine-readable powers of attorney in the MDLP UA.

After checking by the MDLP FGIS, your machine-readable PoA will be added to the system.

“Object type” parameter was added into the registries of Licenses and Branches

A new parameter “Object type” was added by Roszdravnadzor into license details that are sent to the MDLP for all participants.

The “Object type” parameter was added:

  • into the registry “Profile” → “Addresses” → “Branches”;

  • into the registry “Profile” → “Licenses” → “Pharmaceutical licenses/medical licenses/licenses of circulation of narcotic drugs”;

  • into the card “Profile” → “Licenses” → “Pharmaceutical licenses/medical licenses/licenses of circulation of narcotic drugs” → “View license”.

The new parameter is available when registries are exported.

Added a new registry of complaints that medicines are out of stock

A new registry “Complaints that medicines are out of stock” was added into a medicine circulation participant’s user account into the section “Registries and classifiers” → “Registries”.

This registry contains complaints from users of the Chestny ZNAK mobile app. These complaints are about the lack of the medicines (which according to MDLP FGIS should be in stock) in the pharmacy.

To access the registry, it is necessary to have the “VIEW_PHARMACY_COMPLAINTS” right (“Viewing a registry of complaints against the pharmacy”).

The following features are available in the registry:

  • filter the registry by clicking the “Filter” button;

  • export the registry to Excel by clicking the “Export to Excel” button;

  • view a complaint card when clicking on an icon next to a record in the registry.

When new records appear in the registry, a head of the organization will be notified in his/her user account “A new record was made in the registry “Complaints that medicines are out of stock”.

The notification is for informational purposes only and can be controlled in a user account (including its delegation to other employees of the organization).

New fields of date of the data update were added into general reports

New fields were added into the reports and their exports in a medicine circulation participant’s user account:

  • “General report on disposal” → new field “Date of data update”;

  • “General report on remaining items” → new fields “Date of data update” and “Remaining items on the market without taking into account 705, pkg”;

  • “General report on movement” → new field “Date of data update”;

  • “General pricing report” → new field “Date of data update”.

Limited access of users to reports

The “My virtual warehouse” report will be unavailable in a medicine circulation participant’s user account in the “Reports” section to all users. “My virtual warehouse (new)” report is recommended to be used instead.

API modifications

“Object type” parameter was added into the registries of Licenses and Branches

A new output parameter - “object_type” (“Object type”) was added into the following methods:

  • “Receiving information about licenses for pharmaceutical activity”;

  • “Pharmaceutical activity license filtering method”;

  • “Method for searching information about business places by filter”.

New fields were added into analytical exports of the general reports

Fields available for export were extended for the following analytical exports:

  • “General report on disposal” (task type “GENERAL_REPORT_ON_DISPOSAL”) → a new export field “Date of data update”;

  • “General report on remaining items” (task type “GENERAL_REPORT_ON_REMAINING_ITEMS”) → new export fields “Date of data update” and “Remaining items on the market without taking into account 705, pkg”;

  • “General report on movement” (task type “GENERAL_REPORT_ON_MOVEMENT”) → a new export field “Date of data update”;

  • “General pricing report” (task type “GENERAL_PRICING_REPORT”) → a new export field “Date of data update”.

We remind you that you can obtain analytical exports by using the following API methods:

  • “Method of creation of new export task”;

  • “Method for obtaining a status of the export task”;

  • “Method for getting the statuses of tasks for export”;

  • “Method for getting final data export IDs”;

  • “Method of export obtainment”.

Limited access of users to report export

Methods of external API to obtain analytical data (section 10 of the “Description of MDLP API” document) will no longer return valid data in a response for the “REMAINING_MEDICINES_BRANCHES” task type (“My virtual warehouse”). Instead of the deprecated task type, it is recommended to use “VIRTUAL_WAREHOUSE_REPORT” (“My virtual warehouse (new)”).

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