Release 4.52.0 MDLP March 25, 2023

24 января 2025 17:43

Information about the content of the release in Russian can be found at this link.

Installed on Sandbox test environment: 13/03/2023

Installed on the production environment: 25/03/2023

XSD-schemes version: 1.38


Improvements in processes

Process of returning a medicine to "Paused circulation" status has been expanded

A repeated return of a medicine into circulation by scheme 391 "Re-introduction of the medicines into circulation" has been expanded by adding of the return reason (reason_return_type): 2 "Return of improper quality", if the medicine has been previously withdrawn from circulation under scheme 552 "Withdrawal from circulation".

The return chains are as follows:

  1. 552 "Withdrawal from circulation" with withdrawal_type = 6 "Sample control" -> medicine status is "Withdrawn from circulation"  (out_of_circulation) -> 391 "Re-introduction of the medicines into circulation" with return_reason= 2 "Return of improper quality", withdrawal_reason = 7 "Withdrawn from circulation as a result of sample control" -> medicine status is "Paused circulation" (paused_circulation);
  2. 552 "Withdrawal from circulation" with withdrawal_type = 13 "Writing off without transfer for destruction" -> medicine status is "Withdrawn from circulation" (out_of_circulation) -> 391 "Re-introduction of the medicines into circulation" with return_reason= 2 "Return of improper quality", withdrawal_reason = 1 "Withdrawn from circulation as a result of writing off") -> medicine status is "Paused circulation" (paused_circulation).

Other improvements in the UA

Sending of information on contract termination in a UA

The following notifications now can be sent in the "Contractual documents - Notifications to "Operator-CRPT"" section:

  1. Notifications on contract termination - bilateral;
  2. Notifications on contract termination - unilateral.

You can download a template to fill in the appropriate document type by clicking the "Download Template" button (Figure 1).

Figure 1. Download a template

To send a document, proceed as follows:

  • click the "Upload draft" button;
  • select a document and upload it to the MDLP FGIS (Figure 2);
  • go to the uploaded document and sign it using the Enhanced qualified electronic signature (the EQES) (Figure 3).

Figure 2. Upload document

Figure 3. Sign document

Once the signed document has been sent, a request to the technical support service is created. A response of the Operator-CRPT regarding the consideration of the request will be sent to the e-mail indicated when registering with the portal.

To access the feature the following rights are required:

  • "Creation of notifications to Operator-CRPT" (MANAGE_NOTIFICATIONS_TO_OPETATOR);
  • "Viewing notifications to Operator-CRPT" (VIEW_NOTIFICATIONS_TO_OPETATOR).

The rights are in the system rights group.

Receipt of notification of expiration of a contract

New "Notification from Operator" is available in the "Contractual documents - All documents" section. This notification is formed in case of expiration of the contract on provision of marking codes or emission registrars. The notification is formed 30 and 15 calendar days before expiration.

The notification does not require a participant to sign.

"Data export (reports)" tab has been improved 

The "Profile - Data export - Data export (reports)" page has been improved for users' convenience:

  1. Switch to an export is made by clicking the "green eye" icon;
  2. A name of the column which is displayed during transfer to export has been changed from "File size, MB" to "Size of downloaded CSV file, MB";
  3. If you do not have rights to download and delete an export, these actions will be unavailable.

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