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Release 4.42.1 MDLP December 9, 2021

24 октября 2024 01:04

Information about the content of the release in Russian can be found at this link.

Installed on Sandbox test environment: on 07/12/2021

Period of installation on the production environment: on 09/12/2021

XSD-schemes version: 1.37.


Condition to unblock business place/responsible storage

If a value in the field “Acts under license” has the status “Invalid” in the “Registry of business place” and “Registry of responsible storage” sections, unblocking of the business place/responsible storage will be unavailable. In this case, unblocking can be done only by submitting a request to the MDLP technical support service support@crpt.ru.

Description of the operations available for blocked business place/responsible storage can be found at link.

General improvements of the interface

  1. In the section “Clarification of information in RZN AIS” → “Clarify information for medicines imported into the RF (foreign production)”, the field “Declaration number” has a defined format - хххххххх/хххххх/ххххххх:
  • 8 digits - customs authority code;
  • 6 digits - date of declaration registration;
  • 7 digits - customs declaration number.

Example of filling the goods declaration number <11111111/261021/0000000>:

  • 11111111 - customs authority code, 8 symbols;
  • 261021 - date of declaration registration; DDMMYY;
  • 0000000 - customs declaration number, 7 symbols.

2. Now in the section "My documents” → “Financial Documents", it is possible to request clarification for the universal transfer document, if errors or inaccuracies have been found in the documents.

To use this functionality, it is necessary to click the "Request for clarification" button in the universal transfer document ("Sign" tab) and indicate the detected inaccuracies in the required field. After sending a request for clarification, the current document will change its status to "Awaiting clarification".

Figure 1. Request for clarification

Figure 2. Indication of errors or inaccuracies

Information on inaccuracies found will be sent to the Operator-CRPT and new UCD (universal corrective document) will be generated for a participant. The participant will need to continue working on the new document. Original universal transfer document will change its status to “Clarified”.

Functionality is available to all users who can sign documents.

API modifications

More information on revision list can be found in documentation. To receive technical documents on API methods, please contact technical support at support@crpt.ru.

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