Release 4.57.0 MDLP December 2, 2023

24 октября 2024 01:04

Information about the content of the release in Russian can be found at this link

Installed on the Sandbox test environment: 23/11/2023

Installed on the production environment: 02/12/2023

XSD-schemes version: 1.38

Disposal of expired medicines by means of 335/93

A possibility to perform operation 335 "Registration in MDLP IS of information on customs clearance results" with customs procedure code (custom_procedure_code) 93 - "Destruction" has been added for the expired SGTINs.

Details of the supporting document in notification 627

The following parameters are now filled in notification 627 "Notification to owner on registration in MDLP IS of information on posting":

  • Supporting document details: document number (doc_num);

  • Supporting document details: document date (doc_date)

These parameters are filled by copying the same-name attributes from document 702 "Registration in MDLP IS of information on posting" that is used to form notification 627 (Figure 1).

Please note that the attributes have already been in notification 627 of schemes version 1.38, thus no changes to schemes were made.

Figure 1. Notification 627 with supporting document details

Report "My virtual warehouse (new)" 

A new report - "My virtual warehouse (new)" has been implemented in the GCP’s UA in the "Reports" section.

Please note that the report duplicates information from the existing report "My Virtual Warehouse" and displays current remaining medicines for all business places. The new report has been developed by using Jasper Reports library. It will subsequently replace the old report (Figure 2)

Figure 2. Report "My virtual warehouse"

A new right was implemented to access the report - VIRTUAL_WAREHOUSE_REPORT - "My virtual warehouse (new)".

The new right was added to the system rights group and to the power "Access to aggregates".

Report data can be downloaded in CSV format by clicking the "Export to CSV" button.

This report is also available via API (see description below).

New statuses of production license are supported

New status values are supported in the Participant’s UA in the tab "Profile - Licenses - Production licenses" (Figure 3) and "Profile - Licenses - Production licenses - License card" (Figure 4) for the "Licenses status" parameter in accordance with the data from Ministry of Industry and Trade:

  1. "Suspended";

  2. "Partially suspended";

  3. "Terminated";

  4. "Revoked".

Also, names of the current statuses were changed:

  1. from "Active" to "Valid";

  2. from "Inactive" to "Invalid".

Figure 3. New status values in the tab "Production licenses"

Figure 4. New status values in the tab "License card"

API updates

1. A new report "My virtual warehouse (new)" is available to export via API methods.
 Use the VIRTUAL_WAREHOUSE_REPORT task type to obtain analytical data on the report.
 The new task type is supported in the following methods:

a. Method of creation of the export task - POST //data/export/tasks;

b. Method for obtaining a status of the export task - GET //data/export/tasks/{task_id};

c. Method for getting the statuses of tasks for export - POST //data/export/tasks/search;

d. Method for getting final data export IDs - GET //data/export/results;

e. Method of export obtainment - GET //data/export/results/{result_id}.

2. Values of the parameter "License status" - "L_STATUS" have been expanded in the following method "Receiving information about manufacturing licenses" - GET //reestr/prod_licenses;

3. Values of the parameter "License status" - "l_status" have been expanded in the objects "LicenseEntry" and "LicenseApiFilter" for "Method for filtering manufacturing licenses" - POST //reestr/prod_licenses.

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