Release 4.46.0 MDLP June 18, 2022

14 января 2025 22:17

Information about the content of the release in Russian can be found at this link

Installed on the Sandbox test environment: 07.06.2022

Installed on the production environment: 18.06.2022

XSD-schemes version: 1.37

2. Modifications

2.1. Changes in business processes

  1. “Medicine withdrawal from circulation for a variety of reasons” process has been improved

    Medicines are withdrawn from circulation under scheme 552 “Registration in MDLP IS of information on withdrawal of medicines from circulation for various reasons” with a new type - 26 “Delivery of humanitarian assistance”.

    Available switches:

  • “in_circulation” (“In circulation”) → “out_of_circulation” (“Withdrawn from circulation”) ;
  • “marked” (“Awaiting release”) → “out_of_circulation” (“Withdrawn from circulation”) ;
  • “released_contract” (“Awaiting transfer to owner”) → “out_of_circulation” (“Withdrawn from circulation”) ;
  • “waiting_for_release” (“Awaiting introduction into circulation by owner”) → “out_of_circulation” (“Withdrawn from circulation”).

Repeated return into circulation after scheme 552 with type 26 is not allowed.

Modifications are introduced within a set of schemes 1.38, full description of the set modifications will be provided in the following newsletters.

     2. A possibility to return repeatedly a medicine into circulation after uploading of schemes 512 and 552/13 was added

A medicine can be returned into circulation by uploading scheme 391 (repeated return of the medicines into circulation) after schemes 512 (dispensing of medicine in a pharmacy based on documents other than indicated in the register receipt) and 552 (medicine withdrawal from circulation for various reasons) with type 13 (writing off without transfer for destruction) uploaded earlier.

To return a medicine into circulation after scheme 512, it is necessary to specify a new type of withdrawal from circulation (withdrawal_reason) — 12 (Withdrawn from circulation as a result of release under documents).

For scheme 552 with type 13, medicines of both adequate and poor quality can be returned. For scheme 512, only poor-quality medicines can be returned.

Modifications are introduced within a set of schemes 1.38, full description of the set modifications will be provided in the following newsletters

    3. Blocking of the business place/responsible storage if licenses are revoked

When receiving information from external agencies that licenses have been revoked, license status is changed to invalid. If a participant does not have valid licenses with required address, BP/RS will change its status to “Suspended”.

Please, remember that the BP/RS will remain this status for 30 days. The first 30 days, the BP will be functioning in the usual mode. Later restrictions on some operations will be added. A possibility to block BP/RS with “Suspended” status is also available. Unblocking of this BP/RS will be available only with permission from the RZN.

A user will be notified by email in case of changing BP/RS status:

  • “Active” → “Suspended”;
  • “Suspended” → “Blocked”.

2.2. Modifications in the user account (the UA)

  1. A “Pricing report” was added (the report is intended for code issuers)

    The report includes sales from participants who have more than 2 points of sale.

    The data in the report are displayed for one full week or one full month except the current ones and are grouped by fields:

  • “Code of pharmaceutical entity”;
  • “Participant’s INN”;
  • “International Nonproprietary Name”;
  • “GTIN”;
  • “Trade name”.

For each group, the number of points of sale, sales volume and volume-weighted average price are calculated.

Рисунок 8. Pricing report

“VIEW_BATCH_REPORT” - “Viewing the reports on the medicines” right is required to access the report on import movement.

The report can be exported in * csv and * xls formats.
The report is also available via API, see modifications below.

    2. Details on BP were added into the reports
“ID of the sender’s BP” and “ID of the receiver’s BP” fields were added into “Movement of medicines introduced into circulation” in the “Reports” section.
“BP identifier” field was added into the “Report on remaining items”, “Remains of the medicines imported before introduction into civil circulation”, “Report on disposal” reports in the “Reports” section.

Рисунок 9. Choosing of the field for the final export

“BP identifier” field was added into the “Report on remaining items”, “Remains of the medicines imported before introduction into civil circulation”, “Report on disposal” reports in the “Reports” section.

Рисунок 10. Choosing of the field for the final export

Рисунок 11. Choosing of the field for the final export

Рисунок 12. Choosing of the field for the final export

   3. A way of creating exports of the reports was modified
Export is always created in the “Reports” section by clicking the “Create” button for the following reports:

  • “My virtual warehouse”;
  • “Report on remaining items”;
  • “Report on disposal”;
  • “Remains of the medicines imported before introduction into civil circulation”;
  • “Movement of medicines introduced into circulation”.

    If data are not found for the parameters specified, the export will have “Processed with errors” status with the “No data are found for the parameters specified” reason.

    Please, remember that an export status can be found in the section “Profile” → “Data export” → “Data export”.

  4. A filter by violation availability was added into the register of awaiting under CRE+document
Filtering by “Presence of violations” parameter (possible values - yes/no) was added into the section “Products” - “Registry of sgtins awaiting for withdrawal (CRE or document)”. By using this parameter, you can get a list of SGTINs with violations.

Possible violations:

  • “License requirements violation”;
  • “Re-withdrawal from circulation”;
  • “Data on introduction into circulation are not available”;
  • “Is not subject to retail trade”;
  • “Receipt format violation”;
  • “Violation of the information provision procedure”;
  • “Violation of the right of ownership”;
  • “ICM expiration date”;
  • “Prescription information is not available”.

 Рисунок 13. Filtering by found violations

 5. Documents were added into the “Help” section
The following documents were added into the “Help” section:

  • “Quick start instruction for learning API”;
  • “Procedural rules of connection to API and recommended algorithm of development of integration with MDLP via the provided API”;
  • “Supply of the disposal registrars”;
  • “Description of API for exchange between the technical means of OFD and MDLP”;
  • “Registration of medicine disposal in MDLP”.

The documents are available in Russian only.

Рисунок 14. Help

2.3. API modifications

  1. New “task_type” was added for the methods of task creation and result obtainment

    New “task_type” = “PRICING_REPORT” - “Pricing report” / “Pricing report” was added for the methods of POST export/tasks/{task_type}, GET export/tasks/{task_id}/result.

  2. Details on BP were added into the methods of task creation and result obtainment

    “ID of the sender’s BP” and “ID of the receiver’s BP” fields were added into the methods of POST/export/tasks/{task_type}, GET/export/tasks/{task_id}/result for “task_type” - “LP_MOVEMENT_CIRCULATION” - “Report on movement of medicines introduced into circulation”.

    “BP identifier” field was added into the methods of POST/export/tasks/{task_type}, GET/export/tasks/{task_id}/result for the following “task_type”:

  • “REMAINING_MEDICINES” - “Report on remaining items”;
  • “IMPORT_MOVEMENT” - “Remains of the medicines imported before introduction into civil circulation”;
  • “MEDICINE_DISPOSAL” - “Report on disposal”.

    3. A way of creating exports of the reports was modified

Export is always generated in the methods of POST/export/tasks/{task_type}, GET/export/tasks/{task_id}/result for the following “task_type”:

  • “REMAINING_MEDICINES_BRANCHES” - “My virtual warehouse”;
  • “REMAINING_MEDICINES” - “Report on remaining items”;
  • “MEDICINE_DISPOSAL” - “Report on disposal”;
  • “IMPORT_MOVEMENT” - “Remains of the medicines imported before introduction into civil circulation”;
  • “LP_MOVEMENT_CIRCULATION” - “Report on movement of medicines introduced into circulation”.

    If data are not found for the parameters specified, the export will have “Processed with errors” status with the “No data are found for the parameters specified” reason.

    Export status can be obtained by means of the following methods:

  • GET //export/tasks/{task_id} — viewing of the information on the user task;
  • POST //export/tasks/filter — viewing of the list of the user tasks.

    A list of possible reasons that occur when processing an export with errors, was added additionally into “Task” object.

   4. “sent_to_rzn” (“Sent to Roszdravnadzor”) parameter is declared as deprecated one
“sent_to_rzn” (“Sent to Roszdravnadzor”) parameter in asynchronous upload with “task_type” = “batches_registry” (“Export from the registry of batches”) was marked as deprecated one.
   5. A filter by violation availability was added into the method for searching by the ICM registry of records to be withdrawn from circulation by receipt from cash register equipment (CRE)
New input parameter “has_violations” (“Presence of violations”) (with possible values: “true” - there is a violation, “false” - there is no violation) was added into method 8.3.10 “Method for searching by the ICM registry of records to be withdrawn from circulation by receipt from cash register equipment (CRE)” — POST //reestr/sgtin/kkt/awaitingwithdrawal/filter.

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