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Release 4.50.0 MDLP December 10, 2022

14 января 2025 23:49

Information about the content of the release in Russian can be found at this link.

Installed on the Sandbox test environment: 29.11.2022

Installed on the production environment: 10.12.2022

XSD-schemes version: 1.38


Improvements in processes

Correction of state contract data

This is to remind you that a possibility to specify a date and number of the state contract if a register contract number or procurement identification code cannot be specified in the Unified Information System in the Field of Procurement when purchasing medicines at the expense of the federal or regional budgets, has been implemented within set 1.38. For more details, see Release 4.49, "Specifying information for state contracts” item

A possibility to correct data by means of "254 - Registration in MDLP IS of information on correction” document has been added for release 4.50. It will contain new optional fields:

  • "State contract number" (contract_gos_num);
  • "State contract date" (contract_gos_date).

When sending document 254, it is necessary either to fill in a parameter that already exists - “Register No. of Contract in Unified Information System in the Field of Procurement”(contract_num), or to fill in two new parameters.

The following corrections concerning new parameters can be made:

  • change of contract_num to contract_gos_num + contract_gos_date;
  • change of contract_gos_num + contract_gos_date to other contract_gos_num + contract_gos_date;
  • change of contract_gos_num + contract_gos_date to contract_num.

Report “Shelf lives of remaining vital and essential drugs purchased with the public funds”

A new report "Shelf lives of remaining vital and essential drugs purchased with the public funds" has been implemented in the GCP’s UA in the “Reports” section.

The report displays remaining vital and essential drugs (which are on the Participant’s balance) in terms of shelf lives, business places, international nonproprietary names, and trade names.

Distribution by shelf lives is carried out in the following ranges:

  • expired;
  • <14 days;
  • <1 month remained;
  • <2 months remained;
  • <3 months remained;
  • >3 months remained.

The report takes into account vital and essential medicines purchased from state budgets:

  • 2 - federal budget;
  • 3 - regional budget;
  • 5 - mixed budgets.

The report will be available to a Participant, in the presence of the pharmaceutical or medical license.

A right required for access to the report is REMAINING_ITEMS_SHELF_LIFE_REPORT - "Shelf lives of remaining vital and essential drugs purchased with the public funds".

The report can be exported in the MDLP user account in one of the following available formats: *.csv, *.xls and *.xlsx.

Viewing tasks and downloading exports in the UA

A new section - “Data export (reports)” has been added to the MDLP FGIS user account. The section will contain all export tasks created for a report.

Also in this section, clicking a value in the “Task type” column will move you to a page of the selected export with a possibility to download/delete the export result.

A list of the tasks and exports is available to everyone in the context of the organization, but only a user who has a right to this task type can create a task or download/delete an export file.

Other API improvements

Business place attributes have been added into input and output parameters of the API method POST/reestr/branches/public/filter:

  1. has_pharm_license - Possession of pharmaceutical license;
  2. has_prod_license - Possession of production license;
  3. has_narcotic_license - Possession of license for sale of narcotic drugs;
  4. has_med_license - Possession of medical license.

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