Release 4.58.0 MDLP February 3, 2024

24 октября 2024 01:04

Information about the content of the release in Russian can be found at this link

Installed on the Sandbox test environment: 25/01/2024

Installed on the production environment: 03/02/2024

XSD-schemes version: 1.38

Improvements in business processes

Process of returning a medicine to "In circulation" status has been expanded

A repeated return of the medicine into circulation is allowed by using scheme 391 "Re-introduction of the medicines into circulation" with indication of a return reason (reason_return_type): 1 "Return of proper quality" if the medicine was previously withdrawn from circulation under scheme 552 "Withdrawal from circulation" with type "Shortfall".

A return chain is as follows:

552 "Withdrawal from circulation" with withdrawal_type = 11 "Shortfall" -> a medicine status is "Withdrawn from circulation" (out_of_circulation) -> 391 "Re-introduction of the medicines into circulation" with return_reason= 1 "Return of proper quality", withdrawal_reason = 1 "Withdrawn from circulation as a result of writing off" -> a medicine status is "In circulation" (in_circulation).

Prohibition of reverse order for the medicines

In accordance with paragraph 3 of Clause 44 of Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No.1556, in case of circulation of the medicines which contain narcotics, psychotropic substances and their precursors (a medicine that has a "Controlled substances" attribute), pharmaceutical entities engaged in circulation of such medicines shall submit information to the Track and Trace System by direct order of data submission for medicine circulation according to paragraphs four and five of Clause 44 of Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 1556.

For such medicines, schemes of reverse acceptance with "Return" and "Receipt" posting/acceptance operation types are prohibited:

702 "Registration in MDLP IS of information on posting";

416 "Registration in MDLP IS of information on acceptance of medicines at the receiver’s warehouse";

 473 "Registration in MDLP IS of information on acceptance of medicines by agent under agency contract".

If an attempt is made to carry out operation, a document will be processed with error 29 "The operation cannot be executed for medicines of these categories".

"Misgrading" operation type is allowed for such medicines.

Please note that you will be additionally notified of the start of use of the check.

Movement of SGTINs, whose circulation is suspended, between participant’s BPs

You can move SGTINs that have the "Paused circulation" status (paused_circulation) by means of document 431 "Movement of medicines between different business places".
  The primary reason for suspension of circulation is not important, you will be able to move SGTINs in any case.

Other improvements

New "Controlled substances" attribute

The "Controlled substances attribute" parameter was added into the following sections:

"Medicines" → "Registry of medicines" with filter option (Figure 1);

"Medicines" → "General register of registered medicines" with filter option;

"Products" → "Display window of products by SGTIN" with filter option;

"Products" → "SGTIN registry" and "Registry of SGTINs emitted before 2021-03-28" only into the registry itself.

In addition, this parameter is displayed in exports of the registries.

Please note that values of the attribute may be filled in later. 

Figure 1. Display of the "Controlled substances" attribute in the medicines registry 

New notification "Automatic notification of the need to return or re-issue a DR"

If an MDLP FGIS goods circulation participant:

changes a status of a legal entity/ individual entrepreneur from "Active" to any other status ("Inactive", "Active, in liquidation", etc.) according to data of USRLE/USRIE

and has a disposal registrar that has "Unprepared for data transfer" or "Ready for data transfer" status,

"Automatic notification of the need to return or re-issue a DR" notification will be sent to such participant to a user account and to email of the head of organization (Figure 2).

The notification is for informational purposes only and can be controlled in a user account (including its delegation to other employees of the organization).

Figure 2. "Automatic notification of the need to return or re-issue a DR"

Improved signup form of participant

A signup form of the participant has been improved in the GCP’s UA as follows:

  1. Registration of a participant with the system was broken down into steps (Figure 3);

  2. Information who does not need to register with the MDLP FGIS system, has been added.

Figure 3. Display of new organization signup form

Improved registration of non-residents

To reduce the number of faulty applications, the following steps have been added to registration of non-residents:

sending a confirmation code to an email that was specified in a signup form;

entering and verification of confirmation code (Figure 4).

 A confirmation code can be requested no more than 1 time in 15 minutes. The number of attempts to enter a confirmation code: 3.

If a confirmation code that you entered is incorrect, an error message will be displayed with indication of the number of remaining attempts.

Figure 4. Entering a confirmation code to create an application for registration of a new organization

Changed link to a service of a machine-readable POA check on the FTS site

A link to a service of a machine-readable POA check on the FTS site has been changed in the GCP’s UA in the section "Administration" → "Machine-readable power of attorney" → "POA registry" as follows:

Added documents in the "Help" section

A new group of documents - "Order Management System (the OMS)" was added into the "Help" section in the GCP's UA (Figure 5).

Location of the document group: below the "To developers" group.

A list of documents in the new group:

  1. OMS API Description (ver.2);

  2. OMS API Description (ver.3);

  3. Instruction on How to Order Marking Codes.

Figure 5. OMS documents

Updated information statements of the reports

In the GCP’s UA in the section "Reports" for reports:

  1. General pricing report

  2. General report on disposal

  3. General report on movement

  4. General report on remaining items

a text of the information statement was updated in terms of availability of data.

The "Data availability depends on the codes emitted by a participant" phrase was replaced with


  1. Codes emitted by a Participant;

  2. Access delegated to specific GTIN/batches. Information on availability of access can be found in the section "Administration - Control of access to medicines reports - Obtained rights".

API updates

The "Controlled substances attribute" parameter was added into the following methods:

  1.  POST api/v1/reestr/med_products/public/filter into input parameters of filter (MedProductsFilter object) and output parameters of entries (MedProductPublic object);

  2. POST api/v1/reestr/med_products/current into input parameters of filter (MedProductsFilter object) and into output parameters of entries (MedProduct object);

  3. POST api/v1/reestr/sgtin/filter into output parameters in entries object;

  4. POST api/v1/reestr/sgtin/sgtins-by-list in output parameters in entries object;

  5. GET api/v1/reestr/sgtin/{sgtin} into output parameters in entries object;

  6. GET api/v1/reestr/sgtin/archive/{sgtin} into output parameters in entries object;

  7. POST api/v1/reestr/sgtin/on_hold into output parameters in entries object;

  8. In an export with task_type==sgtins

 Please note that a value of the attribute may be filled in later.

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