Release 4.61.0 MDLP June 8, 2024

24 октября 2024 01:04

Information about the content of the release in Russian can be found at this link

Installed on the Sandbox test environment: 04.06.2024

Installed on the production environment: 08.06.2024

XSD-schemes version: 1.38


New document types were added for DataMarket

New document types to provide access to the DataMarket system were added. These documents are required to sign contracts and requests, as well as to inform users.

The following types of unformalized documents were added:

  • A reports provision service contract;

  • A notification of refusal to provide report provision services;

  • A request for services to provide a standardized report;

  • A request to generate an individual report (anonymized data);

  • A request to generate an individual report (non-anonymized data);

  • A consent;

  • A request to generate a standardized report in the view mode.

New document types can be found in the MDLP interface in the section “Contractual documents” › “All documents”. All the documents except for “A notification of refusal to provide report provision services” and “A consent” require a participant’s signature. For this, they will be displayed in the section “Contractual documents” › “Documents for signature”. You can view document cards for new document types.

Increased the number of synchronizations of licenses for pharmaceutical activity per day

A license sync interval was changed from 24 hours to 4 hours on the page “Profile” › “Licenses” › “Pharmaceutical licenses/medical licenses/licenses of circulation of narcotic drugs”.

The “Synchronize information” button will become clickable based on the new interval. Notices that appear when you hover with the mouse over the button, have also been updated in accordance with the new interval.

Process of returning a medicine to “In circulation” status has been changed

A repeated return of the medicine into circulation by using scheme 391 "Re-introduction of the medicine into circulation” is allowed:

  • with indication of a return reason (reason_return_type): 1 “Return of proper quality”;

  • with a type of a reason for withdrawal from circulation (withdrawal_reason): 14 “Withdrawn from circulation as a result of inventory write-off”, if the medicine has been previously withdrawn from circulation by means of scheme 552 “Withdrawal from circulation” of type 11 “Shortfall”.

A return chain is as follows:

552 "Withdrawal from circulation" with withdrawal_type = 11 "Shortfall" → a medicine status is "Withdrawn from circulation” (out_of_circulation) → 391 "Re-introduction of the medicine into circulation" with return_reason = 1 “Return of proper quality", withdrawal_reason = 14 "Withdrawn from circulation as a result of inventory write-off") → a medicine status is “In circulation” (in_circulation).

Please note that return with the use of 391 “Re-introduction of the medicine into circulation” with return_reason= 1 “Return of proper quality”, withdrawal_reason = 1 “Withdrawn from circulation as a result of write-off”) after 552 “Withdrawal from circulation” with withdrawal_type = 11 “Shortfall” is unavailable. In case of return it is necessary to use a new type of the reason for withdrawal from circulation — 14 “Withdrawn from circulation as a result of inventory write-off”.

Change in display of the section “Registry of documents” › “Outgoing”

The sequence of columns in the registry and export has been changed — “Document processing status” column is now the second one.

Color-coded indication was added for values of the “Document processing status” column.

A hint to go to a window with “Information statement on how to use codes of errors occurred during document processing” was added to a header of the “Document processing status” column.

The “Was a document processed with an error?” button, which opens a window with “Information statement on how to use codes of errors occurred during document processing”, is displayed before the registry.

Changes in display of the section “Products” › “SGTIN tracking”

The logic of displaying operations has been changed — grouping of several operations of one participant was disabled, operations are displayed in chronological sequence.

API modifications

Interval between calling the method for updating the data of the current participant from the registry of pharmaceutical licenses was reduced

An interval of calling the method for updating the data of the current participant from the registry of pharmaceutical licenses (POST //reestr/pharm_licenses/resync) was reduced from 24 hours to 4 hours.


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