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Composition of changes for the set of schemes 1.38

20 января 2025 17:12
Information about changes in the set of 1.38 schemes in Russian can be found at this link.

For the sake of MDLP IS development, current business processes (the BP) were optimized, and the new ones were improved in MDLP IS (including with account of the pharmaceutical entities’ offers).

MDLP IS supports loading of older versions of the schemas from 1.34 and higher, except for new schemas.

Below are the changes made under release ver. 1.38. 

1. Overall changes

1.1. Changes were introduced into:

  • base_types.xsd. 

- a template was changed to \d{14}[a-zA-Z0-9]{13} for sign_sgtin_type data type in accordance with the current implementation in the MDLP IS;
- a value of “23 - write-off in case of no acceptance information” was renamed “23 - write-off of the medicines with no information according to BP” in the withdrawal_type_enum element 

2. Improvement of the process of “Introduction of medicines into circulation” section in compliance with improved section 3 of the Passports of Processes ver. 1.38

2.1. “Return to Circulation of Medicines Previously Withdrawn from Circulation for a Variety of Reasons” process has been improved (Section 3.9.2. of the Passports of Processes)

A possibility of re-introduction into circulation of the medicines previously withdrawn from circulation as a result of release of the medicines in a pharmacy based on the documents other than indicated in the register receipt and withdrawn from circulation within export of the medicines outside the territory of the Russian Federation (new features) has been implemented. Changes were introduced into the following schema:

  • base_types.xsd. “12 - withdrawn from circulation as a result of release under documents” (instead of the previous type - withdrawn from circulation due to lack of acceptance information) , “13 - withdrawn from circulation because of export outside the RF” new values were added for withdrawal_reason_enum element.

3. Improvement of the process of “Medicines circulation” section in compliance with improved section 4 of the Passports of Processes ver. 1.38

3.1. A possibility to specify a date and number of the state contract if a register contract number or procurement identification code cannot be specified in the Unified Information System in Procurement when purchasing medicines at the expense of the federal or regional budgets, has been implemented:

  • contract_gos_num (Number of state contract) and contract_gos_date (Date of state contract) optional elements were added into the schemas:

- 415-move_order.xsd;
- 416-receive_order.xsd;
- 470-move_state_dispatch.xsd;
- 601-move_order_notification.xsd;
- 602-receive_order_notification.xsd;
- 623-change_property_notification.xsd;
- 630-move_state_dispatch_notification.xsd;
- 702-posting.xsd.

The optional attributes are not currently filled out in the schemas, changes are put into the set of xsd schemas for preliminary introduction.

3.2. “Medicine Shipment from Shipper’s Warehouse and Medicine Acceptance to Receiver’s Warehouse by means of posting operation without confirmation (acceptance)” process was improved (Section 4.2.1. of the Passports of Processes)

It is possible for medicine sender to obtain information on details of the supporting document (date and number) if a medicine receiver uses a posting operation with “1-arrival” and “2-return from buyer” types. Changes were introduced into:

  • 627-posting_notification.xsd (Notification to owner on registration in MDLP IS of information on posting). The following optional attributes were added: doc_num (Supporting document details: document number) and doc_date (Supporting document details: document date).
The optional attributes are not currently filled out in the schema, changes are put into the set of xsd schemas for preliminary introduction.

3.3. “Medicine Movement Between Activity Locations and/or Responsible Storages” process was improved (Section 4.3. of the Passports of Processes)

A possibility to move all medicines recorded on the balance of the business place to another pharmaceutical entity’s business place without indicating SGTIN and/or SSCC, has been implemented. New schemas were generated:

  • 432-move_place_all.xsd (Registration in MDLP IS of information on movement of all medicines between different business places).
  • 634-move_place_all_notification.xsd (Notification to receiver on movement of all medicines between different business places).

3.4. “Importation of Medicines under Customs Procedures (export, customs transit) from Russia, Destruction of Medicines under Customs Control” process was improved (Section 4.6.3. of the Passports of Processes)

A possibility to indicate a destination country when registering information on export of the medicines from the Russian Federation has been implemented. A change was introduced into the schema:

  • 335-fts_data.xsd (Registration in MDLP IS of information on customs clearance results). export_country_code optional attribute (Code of export country) was added.

3.5. “Notification to pharmaceutical entities on absence of the medicines on balance” process was implemented (new Section 4.7.7 of the Passports of Processes)

It is possible for the manufacturer of medicines or for the wholesale trade organization to notify the MDLP IS of the physical absence of the medicine batches at the organization’s business place. New schema was generated:

  • 705-not_on_balance.xsd (Registration in MDLP IS of information on absence of the medicines on balance).

4. Improvement of the process of “Withdrawal of medicines from circulation” section  in compliance with improved section 5 of the Passports of Processes ver. 1.38

4.1. “Retail Sale of Medicine Using CRE (Including Medicine Sale on Preferential Prescription with Partial Payment)” process was improved (section 5.1.1 of the Passports of Processes)

An operation allowing to transfer correction receipts has been improved. Changes were introduced into the schema:

  • 10501-retail_sell_kkt_corrected.xsd (Registration in MDLP IS of information on correction of the data on retail sale of medicines using CRE):

- origin_receipt_id mandatory element was added (Identifier of adjusted document);
- receipt_id element became mandatory;
- owner_inn element was removed;
- element abbreviated name (code) was changed from sold_part to corrected_part.

At the moment the features to transfer information on correction receipts are disabled, the schema is put into the set of xsd schemas for preliminary introduction. 

4.2. “Medicine Issue on Preferential Prescription Using CRE” process was improved (section 5.2.2 of the Passports of Processes)

An operation allowing to transfer correction receipts was improved. Changes were introduced into the schema:

  • 10502-recipe_kkt_corrected.xsd (Registration in MDLP IS of information on correction of the data on selling of medicine by discount prescription using CRE):

- origin_receipt_id mandatory element (Identifier of adjusted document) was added;
- receipt_id element became mandatory;
- element abbreviated name (code) was changed from sold_part to corrected_part.

At the moment the features to transfer information on correction receipts are disabled, the schema is put into the set of xsd schemas for preliminary introduction. 

4.3. “Medicine Withdrawal from Circulation for a Variety of Reasons (Selection for Sampling Control, Shortage, Customs Control, etc.)” process was improved (section 5.5 of the Passports of Processes)

4.3.1. A medicine can be withdrawn from circulation with “Export outside the RF” and “Delivery of humanitarian assistance” types. Changes were introduced into the following schema:

  • base_types.xsd. “24 - export outside the RF” and “26 - delivery of humanitarian assistance” new values were added for withdrawal_type_enum element.

To re-introduce into circulation the medicines withdrawn by “Export outside the RF” type, withdrawal_reason_enum element in base_types.xsd was supplemented by “13 - withdrawn from circulation because of export outside the RF” value.

4.3.2. A possibility to indicate a destination country when registering information on export outside the territory of the Russian Federation and on delivery of humanitarian assistance, has been implemented. A change was introduced into the schema:

  • 552-withdrawal.xsd (Registration in MDLP IS of information on withdrawal of medicines from circulation for various reasons). export_country_code optional attribute (Code of export country) was added.

5. Improvement of the process of “Cancellation of Registered Operations, Recall of Medicine Transfer Data, Medicine Acceptance Rejection, Information Update” section in compliance with improved section 10 of the Passports of Processes ver. 1.38

5.1. “Information Update” process was improved (section 10.4 of the Passports of Processes)

State contract number and date provided previously in the circulation operations can be corrected. Changes were introduced into the following schemas:

  • 254-change_property.xsd (Registration in MDLP IS of information on correction). contract_gos_num (Number of state contract) and contract_gos_date (Date of state contract) optional attributes were added.
The optional attributes are not currently filled out in the schema, changes are put into the set of xsd schemas for preliminary introduction.

Detailed information on modifications can be found below:

  1. Description of XSD Schemas
  2. Set of schemas ver. 1.38

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