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Release 4.48.0 MDLP September 3, 2022

18 февраля 2025 23:03

Information about the content of the release in Russian can be found at this link.

Installed on the Sandbox test environment: 29.08.2022

Installed on the production environment: 03.09.2022

XSD-schemes version: 1.38

1. Modifications

1.1. Changes in business processes

1.1.1. Scheme 705 (“Registration in MDLP FGIS of information on absence of the medicines on balance”)

This is to remind you that a possibility to display information in the MDLP FGIS on the medicines which have been shipped by means of the schemes of reverse acceptance confirmation (416 (“Registration in MDLP IS of information on acceptance of medicines at the receiver’s warehouse”) / 701 (“Registration in MDLP IS of confirmation (acceptance) of information”) has been implemented for the goods circulation participants to reflect the fact of physical absence of the medicine at the goods circulation participant’s business place.

Use of scheme 705 (“Registration in MDLP FGIS of information on absence of the medicines on balance”) assigns a “Shipped by sender” attribute to the medicine. A status and a business place of the medicine will not be changed in case of this operation.

Use of scheme 705 (“Registration in MDLP FGIS of information on absence of the medicines on balance”) is available with indication of the following:

  • SGTIN;

  • GTIN + batch (the MDLP FGIS selects a medicine located on a business place of the scheme sender).

Scheme 705 (“Registration in the MDLP FGIS of information on absence of the medicines on balance”):

  • is available for the medicines with “In circulation” and “Shipped” statuses;

  • is prohibited for expired medicines;

  • can be used by the circulation participants with manufacturing or wholesale license.

In case of further operations, “Shipped by sender” attribute will be removed from the medicine by the system automatically.

Incorrect use of scheme 705 (“Registration in the MDLP FGIS of information on absence of the medicines on balance”):

  • sending of the scheme within 15 minutes after sending of the scheme of direct acceptance 415 (“Registration in the MDLP IS of information on shipment of medicines from the sender’s warehouse”);

  • sending of the scheme within 15 minutes after sending of the scheme of reverse acceptance 416 (“Registration in the MDLP IS of information on acceptance of medicines at the receiver’s warehouse”);

  • duplication of information on the medicine shipment by submitting the scheme for a medicine with the “Shipped” status.

1.1.2. Detailed document processing result Details of code 1000 to 2111

Error 2111 "Operation cannot be completed. A state contract number is not specified for the selected financing source” will be returned when performing a medicine shipment / movement / posting operation with a budget financing without specifying a contract number.

The error occurs when the schemes are used with a financing source “source_type” = 2 (federal funds), 3 (regional funds),4 (budget funds of non-budgetary foundations), 5 (mixed public funds) without the filled-in contract register number - “contract_num” (“Register No. of Contract in Unified Information System for Procurement”) in the schemes:

  • 415 (“Registration in MDLP IS of information on shipment of medicines from the sender’s warehouse”);

  • 416 (“Registration in MDLP IS of information on acceptance of medicines at the receiver’s warehouse”);

  • 470 (“Registration in MDLP IS of information on medicines movement between different business places within state activities on medicine provision”);

  • 702 (“Registration in MDLP IS of information on posting”).

To eliminate the error, it is necessary to fill in the “contract_num” (“Register No. of Contract in Unified Information System for Procurement”) field correctly and repeat uploading of the document. Details of code 22 to 30

When a goods circulation participant performs posting operation (“Registration in MDLP IS of information on posting”) for the medicines which are already on the goods circulation participant’s balance, error 30 “Operation cannot be completed. SGTIN is already at the business place of the organization that has sent the scheme” will be returned.

Information on your own balance can be found:

  • in the goods circulation participant’s MDLP FGIS user account:

    • “SGTIN registry”;

    • “Registry of SGTINs emitted before 2021-03-28”;

  • via API with methods:

    • “Method for searching by the ICM registries” (POST /reestr/sgtin/filter);

    • “Method of searching by the registries of ICM by the list of values” (POST /reestr/sgtin/sgtins-by-list);

    • “Method for obtaining detailed information about the ICM and related medicines from the ICM registries” (GET /reestr/sgtin/{sgtin}).

  • using operation “Data request by SGTIN/SSCC number (210-query_kiz_info.xsd)”.

SSCC information can be obtained:

  • in the goods circulation participant’s MDLP FGIS user account:

    • “SGTIN registry” by means of searching through SSCC;

    • “Registry of SGTINs emitted before 2021-03-28” by means of searching through SSCC.

  • via API with methods:

    • “Method for obtaining information about the hierarchy of nesting of tertiary packaging” (GET /reestr/sscc/{sscc}/hierarchy);

    • “Method for obtaining information on ICM included in tertiary packaging” (POST /reestr/sscc/{sscc}/sgtins);

    • “Task creation” (POST export/tasks/{task_type}) with type “sscc_hierarchy” (“Hierarchy export by SGTIN”).

  • using operation “Request of information on SSCC nesting hierarchy (220-query_hierarchy_info.xsd)”.

1.2. User account modifications

1.2.1. Archive tracking for issuer

It becomes possible to view SGTIN tracking (which is in the archive) for issuers of the codes in the “Products” → “SGTIN archive”. To access the “SGTIN archive. Tracking” section, it is necessary to have a “Viewing the SGTIN tracking” right (“TRACKING_SGTIN”).

Рисунок 1. SGTIN Tracking

1.2.2. Sending of information on change of the data of the organization in the goods circulation participant’s user account

In the “Contractual documents” → “Notifications to “Operator-CRPT”” section, it becomes possible to transfer information on the changed data of your own organization (the transition to this section is made by clicking the “Switch to the document list” button in the “Contractual documents” section in the goods circulation participant’s MDLP FGIS user account). In the “Notifications to “Operator-CRPT”” tab, it is possible to send the following document types:

  • request to modify data in the MDLP FGIS;

  • notification of details changes;

  • grant a power of attorney;

  • other (any other document).

  • Рисунок 2. Notifications to “Operator-CRPT”

You can download a template to fill in the appropriate type of document by clicking the “Download Template” button. To send a document:

  • click the “Download draft” button;

  • select the document and upload it to the MDLP FGIS.

  • go to the uploaded document and sign it using the Enhanced qualified electronic signature (the EQES).

Once the signed document has been sent, a request to the technical support service is created. A response of the Operator-CRPT regarding the consideration of the request will be sent to the e-mail indicated when registering with the portal.

To access the feature the following rights are required:

  • “Creation of notifications to Operator-CRPT” (MANAGE_NOTIFICATIONS_TO_OPETATOR);
  • “Viewing notifications to Operator-CRPT” (VIEW_NOTIFICATIONS_TO_OPETATOR).

The rights were added to the system rights group.

1.2.3. Operator-CRPT index has been updated

The current information on the details of the Operator-CRPT is presented in the section “Finance” → “Bank details of Operator-CRPT”.

Рисунок 3. Bank details of Operator-CRPT

1.2.4. Manager access recovery process is simplified through the function “New EQES certificate adding for manager”

When adding an EQES certificate, the manager does not need to enter e-mail. This parameter will be automatically detected by the system.

1.2.5. “My virtual warehouse”

This is to remind you that actual remains on your BP can be viewed in the section “Reports” - “My virtual warehouse”. The report can be formed in the MDLP FGIS participant’s user account by uploading in * .csv, or via API.

Рисунок 4. My virtual warehouse

To access the report, it is necessary to have a right “My virtual warehouse” (VIEW_BALANCE_ON_BP_REPORT).

The virtual warehouse in the section “Profile” → “Addresses” in the “BP registry” and “RS registry” will be closed in the next release.

1.2.6. Shipped by sender in the “My Virtual Warehouse” report

In the “Reports” section, “Shipped by sender, pcs.” field was added to the “My virtual warehouse” report. This field shows the number of medicines for which a goods circulation participant has downloaded scheme 705 (“Registration in the MDLP IS of information on absence of the medicines on balance”). In the report, a “Medicine package quantity” field contains a quantity specified in the “Shipped by sender, pcs.” field.

1.2.7. Remote Sale in “Disposal Report”

in the “Reports” → “Disposal Report” section, a new “Distance selling” value was added to the “Disposal type” filter.

1.2.8. Filtering by GTIN in “Pricing report” for manufacturer

“GTIN” filter was added in the section “Reports” → “Pricing report”. The filter is mandatory and has a multiple choice.

Рисунок 5. Pricing report

1.3. API modifications

1.3.1. Changes in a status of processing of the export task in the absence of data in the specified filtering fields

In the absence of data on the specified filtering fields in the requested export, a status of the processing is changed from “Processed with error” (FAILED) to “Processed successfully” (SUCCESS). In this case, a resulting file will contain request filtering parameters, but the requested information will be missing in the export. This logic applies to all reports available for export in the user account and via API.

1.3.2. Modifications in API methods

  • “cnt_not_on_my_balance” (“Quantity of SGTIN which was shipped by sender”) parameter was added to input parameters of the “Creation of the task” method (POST export/tasks/{task_type}) (fields obeject) and to output parameters of the “Getting the task result” method (GET export/tasks/{task_id}/result) for task_type = “REMAINING_MEDICINES_BRANCHES” (“My virtual warehouse”);

  • “cnt_not_on_my_balance” (“Quantity of SGTIN which was shipped by sender”) parameter was added to input parameters of the “Creation of the task” method (POST export/tasks/{task_type}) (fields obeject) and to output parameters of the “Getting the task result” method (GET export/tasks/{task_id}/result) for task_type = “REMAINING_MEDICINES” (“Remains report”) ;

  • an output parameter - “cnt_not_on_my_balance” (“Quantity of SGTIN which was shipped by sender”) was added for “taskType” = “REMAINING_MEDICINES_BRANCHES” (“My virtual warehouse”), “REMAINING_MEDICINES” (“Remains report”);

  • “GTIN” parameter (“GTIN array”) was added into filters object for task_type = “PRICING_REPORT” (“Pricing report”) to input parameters of the method “Creation of task” (POST export/tasks/{task_type});

  • new value 7 — “Distance selling” was added for “exit_type” parameter (“Type of withdrawal from circulation”) into fields object for task_type = “MEDICINE_DISPOSAL” (“Disposal report”) into input parameter of the “Creation of the task” method (POST export/tasks/{task_type});

  • “Filtering by the virtual warehouse registry” method (POST <endpoint>/<version>/reestr/virtual-storage/filter) is recognized as deprecated;

  • “REESTR_VIRTUAL_STORAGE” right (“Virtual warehouse registry”) is recognized as deprecated.

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