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Release 4.44.0 MDLP March 12, 2022

24 октября 2024 01:04

Information about the content of the release in Russian can be found at this link.

Installed on the Sandbox test environment: 28.02.2022

Installed on the production environment: 12.03.2022

XSD-schemes version: 1.37


Operation 315 for expired SGTIN

Possibility to return a medicine to a contract manufacturer after its expiration date by uploading scheme 315 (“Registration in MDLP IS of information on return of medicines to contract manufacturer”) was added.

Description of the operations available for expired SGTINs is available at link.

Movement of the medicines by scheme 431 after partial withdrawal

Possibility to move medicines to another BP / RS was added. This is done by uploading scheme 431 (“Registration in the MDLP IS of information on movement of the medicines between different business places”) if SGTIN has the following status:

  • “Partially sold at retail” (in_partial_sale);
  • “Partially issued under documents” (in_partial_dispensing_by_document);
  • “Partially released by subsidized prescription” (in_partial_discount_prescription_sale);
  • “Partially issued for medical use” (in_partial_medical_use);
  • “Partially written-off” (in_partial_ooc).

Handover for destruction by scheme 541 after partial withdrawal

Possibility to hand medicines over for destruction was added. This is done by means of scheme 541 (“Registration in MDLP IS of information on transfer of medicines for destruction”) if SGTIN has the following status:

  • “Partially sold at retail” (in_partial_sale);
  • “Partially issued under documents” (in_partial_dispensing_by_document);
  • “Partially released by subsidized prescription” (in_partial_discount_prescription_sale);
  • “Partially issued for medical use” (in_partial_medical_use);
  • “Partially written-off” (in_partial_ooc).

Sending notification 633 following automatic introduction into civil circulation

If medicines have been introduced into civil circulation by automatic introduction, in addition to standard receipt 200, a goods circulation participant will receive notification 633 available in the section “Registry of documents” → “Incoming”.

The notification will contain the following information:

  • GTIN;
  • batch number used for automatic introduction;
  • entry identifier in the RZN;
  • entry date in the RZN AIS;
  • batch size;
  • result of automatic introduction;
  • number of the medicines introduced;
  • identifier of document 313 for which the notification has been generated.

In case of technical problems in the System during the notification generation, the values of the following parameters will be equal “00”:

  • batch size;
  • result of automatic introduction;
  • number of the medicines introduced.
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <documents xmlns:ns2="http://www.mdlp.org/wsdl/MdlpService.wsdl" version="1.37">
       <attention_notification action_id="633">
          <warning_description>Уведомление о результатах автоматического ввода"/ "Notification on results of automatic introduction</warning_description>

Blocking of the business place / responsible storage based on license status

The following have been implemented in the “BP registry” and “RS registry” sections:

  • if a participant does not have valid licenses with required address when receiving data from external agencies, BP / RS will change its status to “Suspended”. The BP / RS will remain this status for 30 days. The first 30 days, the BP will be functioning in the usual mode. Later restrictions on some operations will be added. Unblocking of this BP / RS will be available only with permission from the RZN. A user will be notified by email in case of changing BP/RS status:
    • “Active” → “Suspended”;
    • “Suspended” → “Blocked”.
  • possibility to block BP/RS with “Suspended” status.
Only some of the operations remain available for blocked business place (the BP)/responsible storage (the RS)

Adding of new document types

New document types were added into the section “Registry of documents ” → “Outgoing”, as well as into medicine tracking:

  • 10532 — “Delivery of medicines with invalid MC for medical care (disposal registrar)”;
  • 10523 — “Release of medicines with invalid MC on preferential recipes (disposal registrar)”.

The documents are generated automatically in the MDLP FGIS and contain marking codes that have not passed verification in emission server.

Modifications in the sections “SGTIN registry” and “Registry of SGTINs emitted before 2021-03-28”

  1. Column “MC has been verified in ES” was added into the sections “Products” → “SGTIN registry” and “Products” → “Registry of SGTINs emitted before 2021-03-28”. “No” value will be displayed in the column “MC has been verified in ES”, if the marking code unverified in the emission server has come from the disposal registrar (crypto tail of the marking code has not passed verification in emission server).
  2. New values of the parameter “Disposal method” — “CRE” and “DR” were added into the sections “Products” → “SGTIN registry” and “Products” → “Registry of SGTINs emitted before 2021-03-28”.

Possibility was added to restore access for users, which were blocked due to expired password or exceeding the maximum inactivity time in the System

Possibility to unblock a user with “Blocked” status with reason of blocking “Maximum inactivity time is exceeded” or “Password expired”, was added in the user account interface. Functionality is located in the section “Administration” → “Users” if “MANAGE_ACCOUNTS” (“User account management”) right is available. Account activation notifications were added.

Figure 1. Unblocking user

Possibility of selecting an organization when authorizing a user via IIAS was added

Possibility of selecting an organization when authorizing a user via IIAS has been implemented. If a user is a member of several organizations in the MDLP FGIS, the form “Select a user account to sign in” with the list of organizations will be opened during the authorization. The organization selected can be viewed in the user account in the upper right corner.

Figure  2. Viewing of the selected organization

General improvements

1. “Operation date from the receipt” filtering parameter was renamed “Factual receipt execution date in the system” in the section “Products” → “Registry of sgtins awaiting for withdrawal (CRE or document)”.

Figure 3. Filter

2. “Position” and “Short name of the company” fields were limited to 64 characters when filling the following applications:

  • application for generation of the Contract on disposal registrar provision;
  • application for generation of the Contract on emission registrar provision;
  • application for generation of the Contract on marking codes provision.

Figure 4. Application for generation of the Contract on disposal registrar provision

3. MDLP FGIS password expiry notification for non-residents was amended.
4. “Report on remaining items at the business place/responsible storage” was renamed “My virtual warehouse”.

Figure 5. My virtual warehouse

5. Changes in “Movement of medicines introduced into circulation” report:

  • operation that led to the change of ownership, is displayed in the “Operation No.” field;
  • disposal operations may occur in the report if disposal has taken place from the BP of the goods circulation participant, who was not the medicine owner in the System at the time of the operation;
  • algorithm for calculating the amount of medicines that were transferred during the operation, has been corrected.

Instruction on how to work with the report “Movement of medicines introduced into circulation” is available at link.

Errors occurred during document processing

  1. When operation on medicine shipment is performed by schemes 415 and 416, if SGTIN already has a 2/3/4/5 financing source and the scheme specifies a different one, error 53 “Operation cannot be executed. Invalid financing source is indicated” will be returned in the response receipt.
  2. Error 6 "Operation cannot be executed” was detailed. The following information is returned for the error: “Operation cannot be executed. Specified parameters do not correspond to the type of operation performed”.
  3. Error occurred during return of the medicine by means of scheme 391 “Re-putting into circulation” was detailed. If invalid values are specified in the fields “withdrawal_reason” (“Reason for withdrawal from circulation”) and/or in the field “reason_return” (“Return reason”), error 91 “Operation cannot be completed. Invalid value of parameter withdrawal_reason and/or reason_return for SGTIN” will be returned in the response receipt.

API modifications

More information on revision list can be found in documentation. To receive technical documents on API methods, please contact technical support at support@crpt.ru.

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