Release 4.51.0 MDLP February 4, 2023

17 января 2025 19:02

Information about the content of the release in Russian can be found at this link.

Installed on the Sandbox test environment: 24/01/2023

Installed on the production environment: 04/02/2023

XSD-schemes version: 1.38


Improvements in processes

Information used during verification of the financing sources for scheme 702 "Posting" has been detailed

When scheme 702 “Posting” is uploaded with receive_type (posting operation type) 1 (arrival) or 2 (return from buyer), the following financing source transitions are allowed:

 Financing source indicated for SGTIN      Allowed transition
 1 (own funds)

 1 (own funds);

 2 (federal funds);

 3 (regional funds);

 4 (budget funds of non-budgetary foundations);

 5 (mixed public funds)

 2 (federal funds)  2 (federal funds)
 3 (regional funds)  2 (federal funds) and 3 (regional funds)
 4 (budget funds of non-budgetary foundations)  4 (budget funds of non-budgetary foundations)
 5 (mixed public funds)  5 (mixed public funds)

If there is no allowed transition, error 53 "Operation cannot be completed. Invalid financing source is indicated” will be returned for the SGTIN specified.

A check of financing source for scheme 702 “Posting” is also applicable to SGTIN with “Shipped” status. If scheme 415 "Medicine shipment from warehouse" or 416 "Medicine acceptance to warehouse” has already been uploaded for the SGTINs specified, but there is not confirmation for scheme 701 "Shipment / acceptance confirmation".

Possibility to use machine-readable powers of attorney (MRPOA) has been added

To support amendments to Federal Law No. 63-FZ "On electronic signature" a transition period with introduction of new features will begin.

Implementation will be on a phase-by-phase approach in the MDLP FGIS releases:

  1. Introduction of the possibility to create/ cancel/ view machine-readable powers of attorney (MRPOA) in the MDLP FGIS user account;
  2. A possibility to use 1 EQES for different MDLP FGIS user accounts of the Participants with creation of separate MRPOA;
  3. Detailing of the list of the authorities within MRPOA.

A transition period of the MDLP FGIS during which the work with EQES with and without MRPOA will be supported, will be in effect from release 4.51. Information on the end of the transition period will be additionally announced in advance.

Release 4.51 (phase 1) provides users with the opportunity to familiarize themselves with a new approach to the work with EQES and MRPOA.

As part of the phase, a feature to create/cancel/view the MRPOA for EQES of the physical entities was added to the MDLP FGIS UA (in the absence of INN of the legal entity (organization) or OGRNIP (for IE employees) in the EQES).

The section "Administration" - "Machine-readable powers of attorney" - "Power of attorney drafts" now has an option of creating draft powers of attorney  (Figure 1).

Figure 1. Power of attorney drafts

Please note that

• Any users with "Users accounts management" right (MANAGE_ACCOUNTS) can create, edit and delete a draft POA;
• According to the law, only the company director may sign the POA draft and form the MRPOA.

To create a draft POA, fill in the following (Figure 2):

  1. POA information;
  2. Select a user for whom you need to create a POA; and
  3. Enter the necessary data on the selected user (date of birth, credentials).

Figure 2. Filling in the POA parameters 

Once the draft is signed, the MDLP FGIS will register the MRPOA at the Federal Tax Service. The selected user will be granted access when this process is complete.

The section "Administration" - "Machine-readable powers of attorney" – "MRPOA registry" now has an option of viewing and canceling MRPOA for users (Figure 3).

Other available options are:

  1. switch to MRPOA card; and
  2. downloading POA as XML.

Figure 3. POA registry

To use the registry, a user needs to have "View users accounts" right (VIEW_ACCOUNTS).

Canceling is an option only for the company director who signed the POA when MRPOA was created.

Please note that a feature of issuing a machine-readable power of attorney is in pilot stage.
Because of this, a machine-readable power of attorney currently includes the full scope of powers available in the user account.
Remember that a machine-readable power of attorney is legally binding.


Other improvements in the UA

Parameters were added into registries of solutions on introduction into civil circulation, into registry of customs declaration, into register of shipments

The following parameters were added into the section "Registries" - "Registry of solutions on introduction of batches into the civil circulation" (Figure 4):

  • “Trade name” with filter option;
  • “Number of marketing authorization” with filter option.

Filter option and export in xslx format are available for the parameters.

Figure 4. Display of new parameters in the registry of solutions on introduction into civil circulation

The following parameters were added into the sections titled "Registries" - "Register of shipments imported from EEU" and "Registries - "Registry of customs declaration (import medicines)" (Figure 5):

  • "Trade name";
  • "Number of marketing authorization";
  • "Owner name";
  • "INN";
  • "Date of entry in RZN AIS on introduction into circulation".

Filter option and export in .xslx format are supported for all parameters.

Figure 5. Display of new parameters in the registry of customs declaration


A filter was added into registry of batches

A "Trade name" filter was added in the GCP’s UA in the section "Registries and classifiers" - "Registries" - "Registry of batches" (Figure 6).

Figure 6. Display of the "Trade name" filter in the registry of batches


Information statements of the reports were renamed and updated in the “Reports” section

In the GCP’s UA in the section "Analytics" - "Reports":

  1. "Report on disposal” report was renamed "Report on medicine disposal";
  2. "Report on remaining items” report was renamed "Report on remaining medicines";
  3. "Pricing report” report was renamed "Report on medicine prices".

Information statement was updated for all reports.

API updates

  1. The following output parameters were added into the method "Method for obtaining information on the current user" GET /users/current:
    1. "INN of physical entity" - "inn_ind";
    2. "Power of attorney number" - "poa_number".
  2. The following input and output parameters were added into the method "Filtering by the registry of decisions on introduction of medicines into civil circulation" POST /reestr/lp-in-circulation-decisions/filter:
    1. "Trade name" - "prod_sell_name";
    2. "Number of the marketing authorization" - "reg_num".
  3. The following method was added: "Filtering by registry of customs declaration (import medicines)" - POST /reestr/declarations/filter;
  4. The following method was added: "Filtering by registry of shipments imported from EEU" - POST /reestr/consignments/filter";
  5. "Trade name" parameter - "product_sell_name" was added into input parameters of the filters object for task_type = BATCHES_REGISTRY - Registry of batches in the method "Creation of task"- POST /export/tasks/{task_type}.

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