Release 4.60.0 MDLP April 13, 2024

15 января 2025 08:33

Information about the content of the release in Russian can be found at this link

Installed on the Sandbox test environm 09/04/2024

Installed on the production environment: 13/04/2024

XSD-schemes version: 1.38

Transfer of expired medicines under reorganization

A possibility of movement of expired SGTINs was added for organizations that are in the middle of reorganization.

We remind you that movement is performed by means of document 812 "Movement of medicine to successor’s warehouse".

Adding INN to a notification of user locking

For convenience of users a parameter of company’s INN was added to a notification text about upcoming and actual locking of the user:

  1. About the upcoming locking
     Dear MDLP FGIS user,
     This is to inform you that your account in the MDLP FGIS user account of organization with INN {inn} will expire on {blockDate}.
     Your user account will be blocked after this period.
     Please log in the system (GCP’s user account address) to avoid blocking.
     You have received this letter because your email is used as login for MDLP FGIS.
      This letter is generated automatically. Please do not answer to it.
     We remind you that a notification of upcoming locking is sent 7 days before an expiration date of the certificate.

  2. About locking
     Dear MDLP FGIS user,
     This is to inform you that your account in the MDLP FGIS user account of organization with INN {inn} is locked.
     Reason for blocking: {reason}.
     For more information please contact the MDLP technical support service.
     You have received this letter because your email is used as login for MDLP FGIS.
     This letter is generated automatically. Please do not answer to it.

Added possibility to issue rights to view and create notifications to Operator-CRPT

A possibility to add rights to use notifications was added into new and existing rights groups:

  • "Creation of notifications to Operator-CRPT" (MANAGE_NOTIFICATIONS_TO_OPERATOR);

  • "Viewing notifications to Operator-CRPT" (VIEW_NOTIFICATIONS_TO_OPERATOR).

Remember that only residents can send notifications.

API modifications

A clarification has been added into the "Method to send a container for moderation" - POST //reestr/containers/validate that indication of Header: Accept-Language is mandatory.

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