Release 4.54.0 MDLP July 15, 2023

18 сентября 2024 20:43

Information about the content of the release in Russian can be found at this link.

Installed on Sandbox test environment: 05.07.2023

Installed on the production environment: 15.07.2023

XSD-schemes version: 1.38


User account modifications

Check of the machine-readable PoA on the FTS site

In the section "Administration - Machine-readable power of attorney - POA registry" you can go to the FTS site to check a machine-readable PoA (Figure 1).

Please note that the following parameters are required to search for a machine-readable PoA on the FTS site:
1. Power of attorney number;
2. INN of the grantor;
3. INN of the attorney-in-fact.

"INN of the grantor" and "INN of the attorney-in-fact” parameters were added into the "POA registry" registry for convenient search of information.

Figure 1. Go to FTS website to check machine readable PoA

Report "Report on errors in receipts"

A new report "Report on errors in receipts" has been added into the GCP’s UA in the "Reports" section (Figure 2). The report shows a volume of incorrect receipts with detailed description of error types:

  1. Violation of a structure of the medicine marking code, including cryptographic one;
  2. Incorrect reading of a marking code by cash register equipment;
  3. Incorrect indication of a date of sale of the medicine in a receipt;
  4. Tags are missing or are filled incorrectly in a receipt in accordance with a fiscal data format;
  5. Absence of the identification code on a circulation participant’s balance according to the MDLP FGIS data;
  6. Absence of the identification code in the MDLP FGIS.

Report data can be downloaded in CSV format (by clicking the "Export to CSV" button).

To access the report, VIEW_ERRORS_IN_RECEIPTS_REPORT - "Report on errors in receipts" right has been implemented.
This new right has been added to the "Medical organization" and "Pharmaceutical company" rights groups.
The right was added to "Access to aggregates" power (info for machine-readable PoA).

Figure 2. "Report on errors in receipts"

New document type - "Claim letter"

A new document type - "Claim letter" was added into the section “My documents - All documents" (Figure 3).
The document is intended to inform resident participants of a complaint against a GCP from the Operator.
Signature of a participant is not required.

Figure 3. "Claim letter"

Analysis of INN from a certificate (when registering a participant and restoring access for manager) was changed

The logic of analysis of INN from a certificate was corrected for GCP registration forms and manager access recovery:

  • if there is a parameter with INN of the legal entity in the certificate, a value from the field OID 1.2.643.100.4 will be automatically added to INN field;
  • if a parameter with INN of the legal entity is missing in the certificate, a value from the field OID 1.2.643. will be automatically added to INN field

Automatic unblocking a user when adding a new EQES

If a head of organization is blocked due to "Maximum inactivity time is exceeded" reason and he/she adds a new certificate by means of "New EQES certificate adding for manager" function, then after successful adding EQES to the system, the user will be also automatically unblocked.

Please note that this process refers only to the heads of organizations. If you do not belong to this category, please contact your administrator to add a new certificate to the MDLP FGIS.

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