Release 4.51.0_New pharmacy attributes March 2, 2023

28 февраля 2025 01:43

Information about the content of the release in Russian can be found at this link.

Installed on the Sandbox test environment: 01/03/2023

Installed on the production environment: 02/03/2023

XSD-schemes version: 1.38


Displaying of Information on Pharmacies in the Mobile App for Consumers

This information is relevant only for pharmacies, whose business places have retail license and are displayed in Chestny ZNAK app. In the user account it has become possible to specify and verify parameters of your business places in the "Profile" - "Addresses"- "Branches" section.

These data will be displayed in Chestny ZNAK app when using "Search for medicines" function. When a buyer has chosen your pharmacy on the map or from the list, the buyer will be able to clarify availability of the required medicine and to reserve it by using a verified phone number.

When you have saved the data, they will get Verified on Chestny ZNAK app, which will increase consumer confidence.

It is recommended to check availability of the data in the user account and to do "BP verification" procedure.

Filling in the data when you sign in to your user account

The system will prompt you to fill in the data for the first time immediately after logging in. A banner to fill in a minimum required information will be displayed to participants whose pharmacy data are not filled in (Figure 1):

  1. Pharmacy name;
  2. Contact number.

Figure 1. Displaying the banner to fill in the data

Editing of these parameters will be always available in the "Profile" - "Addresses"- "Branches" section.

Data editing in the branches registry

If the data have already been filled in, they can be edited in the "Profile" - "Addresses"- "Branches" section. Business places can be edited separately, one-by-one or all at once.
In case of separate editing, you should check the box next to the required BP and click the "Update the contact" button.
When updating information for all BPs at once, it is necessary to click immediately on the "Update the contact" button or in case of separate editing, to place a checkmark next to "Apply to all BPs" in the modal window.

When you click on the "Update the contact" button, a modal data entry window will be available (Figure 2):

  1. Pharmacy name;
  2. Contact number;
  3. Extension number;
  4. Pharmacy status;
  5. Open 24/7;
  6. Comment/Additional Info;
  7. Website;
  8. Full name of the responsible officer of the company;
  9. Phone number of the responsible officer of the company;
  10. E-mail of the contact person of the company.

Figure 2. Displaying the banner to fill in the data

Data verification in the branches registry

To enhance consumer confidence in Chestny ZNAK app when using "Search for medicines" function, it is necessary to confirm relevance of the entered data in the UA in the Branches registry. To confirm the data, it is necessary to check information on all BPs and click the "Verify BP" button. After clicking the button, a confirmation window will be displayed (Figure 3).

Figure 3. Data confirmation

When actions have been confirmed, all BPs will get Verified.

 Data editing and verification are available if you have the following rights: REESTR_FEDERAL_SUBJECT - "Viewing information on business place/responsible storage" or REESTR_ALL - "Allows to access all directories".

Display of the data in the branches registry

New parameters have been added to the branches registry. They can be exported in *.xls format.

Filtering in the branches registry can be performed by the following parameters:

  1. Pharmacy status;
  2. Open 24/7;
  3. Record confirmed

API updates

Extension of the method to receive data on a business place

The following parameters were added into filter object of the API method (POST /reestr/branches/filter):

  1. org_status - Pharmacy status;
  2. open24hours - Open 24/7;
  3. user_id - ID of the user who made changes;
  4. verified – An indication that the record has been verified.

The following parameters were added into entries object in the output parameters of the API method (POST /reestr/branches/filter):

  1. ext_number - Extension number;
  2. org_status - Pharmacy status;
  3. working_hours – Pharmacy hours;
  4. open24hours – Open 24/7;
  5. url – Pharmacy website;
  6. contact_fio - Full name of the responsible officer of the company;
  7. contact_phone - Phone number of the responsible officer of the company;
  8. contact_email - E-mail of the contact person of the company;
  9. comment - Comment / Additional info;
  10. user_id – ID of the user who made changes;
  11. verified – An indication that the record has been verified.

A structure of working_hours object:

  1. day - Day of the week;
  2. day_off – “Non-business day” attribute;
  3. open_hour - Opening time;
  4. close_hour - Closing time;
  5. break_start – Break start;
  6. break_end – Break end.

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