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Release 4.39 MDLP on July 24, 2021

18 февраля 2025 22:27

Information about the content of the release in Russian can be found at this link.

Installed on Sandbox test environment: on 28/06/2021

Period of installation on the production environment: middle of July

XSD-schemes version: 1.36.


Process of medicine disposal and writing-off has been improved

Now in case of partial medicine sale, the remaining items can be written off by means of operation 552.  Depending on the SGTIN status at the time of writing-off, the final status may vary:

  • 511/10511 → in_partial_sale → 552 → ooc_part_sale (partial sale, remains were written off);
  • 521/10521/10522 → in_partial_discount_prescription_sale → 552 → ooc_part_prescription_sale (partially sold on preferential recipe);
  • 531/10531 → in_partial_medical_use → 552 → ooc_рart_medical_use (partially issued for medical use);
  • 512 → in_partial_dispensing_by_document → 552 → ooc_part_dispensing_by_doc (partially issued by documents, remains were written off).

New statuses were included in the registries:

  • Registry of SGTINs emitted before 2021-03-28;
  • SGTIN registry.

Also “Total withdrawn proportion” parameter was added into SGTIN card. This parameter indicates how many proportions of medicines have been sold/released/issued.

The changes were also made to the API. The description is provided below in "API modifications" section.

Check of maximum sale price was added for order validation in the Order Management Station

Check of medicine maximum sale price received from ESKLP (unified structured catalog of medicines) was added at the stage of the creation of the order for the marking codes emission.

In this way, the following limits have been applied:

  • Marking codes not subject to payment can be ordered only for the medicines, which are listed in the GNVLP or their maximum sale price does not exceed 20 rubles per unit. 
  • Marking codes to be paid may be ordered for all other medicines.

Format for storing the medicine change history was expanded

A history of changes of ESKLP codes attached to the medicines registered in the system was added.

Accordingly, a new tab “Change log of ESKLP code (drug code)” was added into the section “Medicines - Registry of medicines - GTIN card - Change log”.

The “ESKLP change log” tab displays the history of changes in the medicine attributes such as the maximum sale price, dosage form or dosage.

Possibility of viewing the history of personal account balance replenishment was added

In the section “Finance - Personal accounts - Payment history” you can see all balance replenishment recorded in the system.

Format of the data on payment for the marking codes emission was changed

New SGTIN attributes were added as a result of earlier changes introduced into the process of payment for the marking codes: "Payment date" and "Tariff".

The following registries were modified:

  • Registry of SGTINs emitted before 2021-03-28;
  • SGTIN registry;
  • Registry of suspended SGTINs emitted before 2021-03-28;
  • Registry of suspended SGTINs.

"Payment creation date" and "Paid" parameters, which were previously used to record the payment fact, were removed from the registries.

The changes were also made to the API. The description is provided below in "API modifications" section.

Possibility of getting the composition of operation, which preceded the group package disaggregation was added

New tool will allow Participant to download the contents of documents 911, 912, 913, 914, 915, 916, 416, 702, 703, to learn the composition of SSCC before it was disaggregated.

In the section "Search for SSCC - Operation History", "Download Composition” button was added next to the specified documents, clicking on this button will activate the mechanism of generation of the export of ICM list. The generated csv file with "Unloading of SSCC composition” type can be obtained in the section "Profile - Data export - Data export".

Search by document number was improved

The filter on the "Document number” field in the registries of Incoming and Outgoing documents has been changed. The minimum number of characters to search is increased to three.

Registry of data on marked and imported goods was added

New registry will allow Participant to track information on sending of information on marked and imported medicines to Roszdravnadzor. A new record appears each time immediately after the request is sent to Roszdravnadzor.

The registry is available in the interface of the user account of MDLP on the tab "Registry of data on marked and imported goods” of the section ”Registers - Registers and Classifiers".

The registry is also available via API. The description is provided below in "API modifications" section.

New report on remaining medicines at the business places was implemented

Participants will have access to information on remaining medicines at all business places. The report takes into account all SGTINs, except for SGTINs in the following statuses: 

  • lp_sampled (sample selected);
  • disposed (destroyed);
  • experiment_outbound (withdrawn from the circulation (accumulated as part of the experiment));
  • expired_not_paid (payment waiting period has expired);
  • reexported (re-export);
  • eliminated (not utilized);
  • in_sale (sold at retail);
  • in_discount_prescription_sale (released by subsidized prescription);
  • in_medical_use (issued for human use);
  • dispensing_by_document (issued under documents);
  • ofd_retail_error (sold at retail with deviation from requirements for medicines withdrawal);
  • ofd_discount_prescription_error (released on preferential recipe (via cash-register equipment) with deviation from requirements for medicines withdrawal);
  • discount_prescription_error (Released on preferential recipe with deviation from requirements for medicines withdrawal);
  • med_care_error (Released for medical use with deviation from requirements for medicines withdrawal);
  • ooc_part_sale (partial sale, remains were written off);
  • ooc_part_prescription_sale (partial release on prescription, remains were written off);
  • ooc_рart_medical_use (partial medical use, remains were written off);
  • ooc_part_dispensing_by_doc (partially issued by documents, remains were written off).

All data in the report are grouped by addresses of business places. The report is generated by SGTIN.

The report is available for viewing in the interface of the user account of MDLP on the “Report on remaining items at the business place” tab in the “Reports” section.

The following rights are required to work with the report:

  • “Viewing of the report on remaining items at the business place”;
  • “Asynchronous unloading management” (for export in CSV format).
The report is also available via API. The description is provided below in "API modifications" section.

Interface of “Control of access to medicines reports” section has been improved

2 new tabs were added in the section “Administration - Control of access to medicines reports”:

  • Issued rights.
    This tab displays a list of all participants to whom the current Participant has issued or delegated rights to reports;
  • Obtained rights. 
    This tab displays a list of GTIN/GTIN+Batch for which the current Participant has obtained the right to view and delegate.

In the process of issuing rights to certain GTIN/GTIN+Batch, Participant may fully delegate rights to another Participant by ticking the appropriate attribute. 

Once the changes are saved, the possibility of creating a report, as well as information on previously issued rights will be transferred to the selected organization. The current Participant will lose this level of access.

On the "Issued Rights" tab, the current Participant will have a record of delegation. The record of delegation cannot be deleted.

Erroneously delegated rights can be returned by contacting the Technical Support Service of MDLP.

New types of business places became available

For business places, parameters indicating the possibility of disposal by the given addresses of medicines of 7VZN or at reduced-price subsidy were added. 

These parameters are filled in automatically and are not editable.

New fields can be found in the following sections:

  • "Contractual documents - Disposal registrar". Questionnaire for provision of disposal registrar;
  • "Registers and classifiers - Registers". Creating and editing of request for relocation of disposal registrars.

Check for sending of request for relocation of disposal registrar was improved

“Current disposal registrar status” parameter was added into the section “Registers and classifiers - Requests for relocation of disposal registrars”

Sending of previously created requests for relocation is prohibited for registrars being in “Withdrawn from service” and “Refusal of receipt” statuses.

In addition, the "Registrar status" parameter was renamed "Disposal registrar status at the time of request creation" in the request card.

Possibility to delegate the system rights group was added

Participants are given the possibility to delegate the system rights group to the responsible user in the section "Administration - Users". Previously, the rights in this group were only available by default to the head of the organization (according to EGRUL).

Rights in the system group can be transferred to any user chosen by the administrator.

At the same time, the user who has received the rights will start receiving notifications that only the administrator has previously received.

New notifications were added

New notification were added in the user account:

  • on change of medicine maximum sale price.
    The notification is generated if new information on the value of the maximum sale price is received or the technical support service of MDLP confirmed the changes previously made by the Participant.
  • on change of the status of the marketing authorization.
    The notification is generated if the marketing authorization has changed the status to invalid. 

Only Administrator of the Participant (or a person to whom the authority has been delegated) will be notified.

Please, remember that notification settings are available in the "Profile -Notification settings” section.

API modifications:

More information on revision list can be found in documentation. To receive technical documents on API methods, please contact technical support at support@crpt.ru.

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