Release 4.49.0 MDLP October 22, 2022

17 января 2025 18:43

Information about the content of the release in Russian can be found at this link.

Installed on the Sandbox test environment: 10.10.2022

Installed on the production environment: 22.10.2022

XSD-schemes version: 1.38

Process modifications

Specifying information for state contracts

Set 1.38 offers a feature of specifying the date and number of state contract if you cannot specify the contract’s registry number or the procurement identification code in the Unified Information System in the field of procurement for medicines procured by means of federal or regional budget.

The following documents:

  • "415 – Medicine shipment from warehouse";
  • "416 – Medicine acceptance to warehouse";
  • "470 – Medicine transfer within the state medicine provision";
  • "702 – Posting".

now have these new optional fields:

  • "State contract number" (contract_gos_num)
  • "State contract date" (contract_gos_date)
The contract_num parameter must always have a value.
This parameter should be filled with the contract’s registry number (19 digits only) or the procurement identification code (36 digits only).
The parameter will have an input mask corresponding to these values. The input mask will be implemented in future releases. Data input for this parameter needs to be adjusted as per the updated description of xsd-schemes.

It is necessary to verify that the participant’s system correctly fills in this parameter to avoid processing errors due to incorrect filling of document parameters. Please adjust as necessary.

The input parameters contract_gos_num and contract_gos_date must be filled only when the contract_num parameter is missing, as provided by law.

When a document for filling is generated, the "Contract Registry No. in Unified Information System in the field of procurement" (contract_num) parameter or two new parameters contract_gos_num and contract_gos_date are available.

If the parameters are not specified as required, the document processing will be rejected with error 2111 "Operation cannot be executed. A state contract number is not specified for the selected financing source.".

The attributes contract_gos_num and contract_gos_date are currently not generated and not filled in the following notifications:
"601 - Shipment notification";
"602 - Acceptance notification";
"623 - Notification of information adjustment";
"630 - Notification on medicine movement between different business places within state activities on medicine provision".

See these modifications in the xsd-schemes set for preliminary introduction to and improvement by the Participants.

Documents for the procedure of automatic introduction of medicines into civil circulation

The "Registries and classifiers" section:

  • Registry of solutions on introduction of batches into the civil circulation;
  • Register of shipments imported from EEU;
  • Registry of customs declaration (import medicines).

now has a new parameter "ID of auto-introduction documents". Click on it to go to "Registry of documents - Outgoing -  For entire period" with pre-set filtering by document ID (Figure 1). 

Figure 1. Display of “autointro documents ID” parameter in the “Registry of solutions on introduction of batches into the civil circulation” registry

Document ID is filled within the procedure of automatic introduction of medicines into civil circulation.

In case that a single permission for introduction into civil circulation has several autointro documents, the registries will show the number of the first-generated document, although you will be able to see the entire list of documents in the registry of documents.

These modifications are also supported for Excel downloads. In case of several autointro documents, the download will have IDs of all the documents.

User account modifications

New address of Operator-CRPT

See the updated address of Operator-CRPT in section "Finance - Bank requisites of Operator-CRPT".

The new address is as follows: 15, Rochdelskaya Street, building 16А, floor 3, room I/3, Moscow, 123376 (Figure 2).

Figure 2. Display of Operator-CRPT address


Display of universal corrective document

If following the accounting period closure a corrective document is generated by Operator-CRPT, then in the section "Finance - Reports":

  1. "Report on paid marking codes and dates of services"; 
  2. "Report on paid marking codes issued between 2020-11-02 and 2021-01-31".

A corrective document will be generated available for download in *xls or *xlsx format (Figure 3).

This document will be added as a tree to the main document and will show the adjusted information for the specific period.

Figure 3. Display of the reports after UCD

Display of company status

The section "Profile - Organization data" for residents now has a "Code" (Figure 4) field with the following values:

  • "Active";
  • "Liquidated";
  • "Active, in liquidation";
  • "Active, in reorganization";
  • "Active, declared insolvent";
  • "Active, registration has been declared invalid".

Figure 4. Display of organization status

Companies with "Liquidated" status will not have syncing of license information available to them.


New statuses for emission registrar

The section "Registries and classifiers - Registries - Registry of emission registrars" now has the following possible values for the “Status” parameter:

  1. Repair 
  2. Replacement 
  3. Return 

The new statuses are also supported in download from this registry (Figure 5).

Figure 5. Display of ER status

The modifications are supported in API.

My virtual warehouse

Please remember that current stock of your BP is available in the section "Reports - My virtual warehouse". You can generate a report in your MDLP FGIS user account and download it in *.csv format, and via API.

In order to access the report you must have the "My virtual warehouse" right (VIEW_BALANCE_ON_BP_REPORT).

Virtual warehouse is no longer available in the section "Profile - Addresses" of the "Branches" and "Warehouses".

Searching users by identifier

The section "Administration - Users" now has an option of filtering by the "User ID" parameter (Figure 6).

Figure 6. Filtering by user ID

The modifications are supported in API.

Contact information of the person on charge of DR operation

The section "Registries and classifiers - Registries - Requests for relocation of disposal registrars" now has an option of specifying the contact phone number of the person in charge of DR operation when you fill in/ edit a DR relocation request (Figure 7).

Figure 7. Filling of contact information in the request for DR relocation

This information should be added in the field "Contact number of the person in charge of DR operation and reason for DR relocation".

Viewing API modifications

The section "Help – Documents – For developers" now has a new document: "API Description for Government Track and Trace Information System of Medicines (demo)" (Figure 8).

Figure 8. Display of API documents

The API document with description of the new release will be available in the production environment after the release is installed in the Sandbox environment of the MDLP FGIS.

API modifications

  1. New "taskType" = "SGTINS_BY_DOC_ID" has been added (Result of SGTIN transfer by document ID). The new type of download allows you to request, on the basis of the xml-document ID, a list of SGTINs, which have been successfully transferred to another BP or RS as the documents are processed:
  • "432 - Registration in MDLP IS of information on movement of all medicines between different business places"; and
  • "812 - Registration in MDLP IS of information on movement of medicines to the assignee’s warehouse".
    The following restrictions apply to downloading:
    • download is only available to the document’s sender;
    • for correct download, request it immediately after MDLP FGIS system processes documents 432 or 812, strictly before the subsequent movement of medicines along the product supply chain;
    • download is available via API or participant’s user account.
      Download will be a *.csv file with a list of SGTINs successfully processed as per the document.

       2. The input parameters of the "Method for searching registered users by filter" (POST //users/filter) now have a new parameter: "User identifier" -"user_id".

       3. The reply of “Method for filtering by pharmaceutical entities” (POST //reestr_partners/filter) for "Participant type" (entity_type) parameter of RegistrationEntry object now has a note: "11 – Pharmaceutical entities not registered with the system". 

       4. The method of “Filtering by the registry of emission registrars” (POST //reestr/registration-devices/emission/filter) now has new status values for the input and output parameter - status.

  The available values {0,1,2,3,5,6,7} are as follows:

  • 0 – not put into operation
  • 1 – not ready for transfer of information
  • 2 – ready for transfer of information
  • 3 – out of operation
  • 5 – repair
  • 6 – replacement 
  • 7 – return

      5. The method of "Filtering by the virtual warehouse registry" (POST //reestr/virtual-storage/filter) has been deleted;

      6. The right of "Virtual warehouse registry" (REESTR_VIRTUAL_STORAGE) has been deleted.

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