How to work with instructions for medicines in the Participant’s UA

28 февраля 2025 01:53

From September 01, 2023, in accordance with Clause 33 of Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No.1556, it will be possible for the circulation participants that are issuers of the identification means or are marketing authorization holders/owners that have registered the medicines in the marking system user account, to upload instructions and medicine package images to the Honest Mark labeling system for medicines. Instructions and images to be uploaded shall be accurate at the time of introduction of the medicines into civil circulation.

Instructions and images can be uploaded both by using the marking system API methods and via the participant’s UA.

Functionality description

To work with instructions and images, go to the section "Medicines - Registry of instructions and images". The registry displays all containers with instructions and images that have been created by an issuer (Figure 1). The issuer can see containers of his/her organization only.

In this registry, you can:

  1. Create a container;

  2. Change a container;

  3. Send for moderation;

  4. Download a container;

  5. View all containers.

Figure 1  Display of medicine instruction registry

Container composition

Each container may have:

  1. Container name;

  2. JSON instruction;

  3. PDF instruction;

  4. Medicine package image.

Container status model:

  1. "Draft" - this status is assigned to all created containers by default;

  2. "Currently being moderated" - a container with this status is sent for moderation;

  3. "Confirmed" - means that a container has been checked. Information on an instruction and medicine package images will be displayed in Chestny ZNAK app;

  4. "Rejected" - moderation has not been passed, a participant shall correct the container composition.

Container creation

To create a container, click the "Create container" button  (Figure 2).

Figure 2 Display of button to create a container

Clicking the "Create container" button will open the "Creating a container" modal window (Figure 3, Figure 4).

Figure 3 Display of parameters to create a container - fields are not filled with data

Figure 4 Display of parameters to create a container - fields are filled in 

Parameters in the window of creating a container:


Parameter name



Container name 

A container name in any form.  The container name is not checked for uniqueness.

Maximum number of characters to enter - 64.

Mandatory parameter.


JSON instruction

There are two ways to fill out JSON instruction:

  1. Adding JSON instruction as a file. Maximum file size - 2 MB

  2. Filling JSON instruction form manually.

  When adding a JSON file, data from a file attached by a participant are distributed between form fields in line with mapping.  

  Data that do not correspond to the mapping, are not transferred to the form.

  If uploaded file does not correspond to JSON or the system fails to recognize any parameter from the file, the following error will be displayed:  "File upload failed. Please check if the format of uploaded file is JSON"

Mandatory parameter.


PDF instruction

Maximum file size - 5 MB.

Optional parameter. 


Medicine package image

Maximum number of attachments: 5 images.

A size of one file — no larger than 2 MB.

Optional parameter. 

Mapping of parameters from JSON file to form fields


JSON parameter

Field on form

Data requirements



Number of marketing authorization

Maximum number of characters to enter - 50

At least one non-space character must be filled in.

Mandatory field




Date of medicine state registration

Date format: DD.MM.YYYY

Mandatory field



Marketing Authorization Holder

Maximum number of characters to enter - 500

At least one non-space character must be filled in.

Mandatory field



Trade name

Maximum number of characters to enter - 500 

At least one non-space character must be filled in.

Mandatory field



Dosage form

Maximum number of characters to enter - 500

At least one non-space character must be filled in.

Mandatory field



Active substance

Maximum number of characters to enter - 500 

At least one non-space character must be filled in.

Mandatory field




Maximum number of characters to enter - 4,000 

At least one non-space character must be filled in.

Mandatory field



Description of appearance of the medicine for medical use

Maximum number of characters to enter - 4,000

At least one non-space character must be filled in.

Mandatory field



Physical and chemical properties (for radiopharmaceuticals)

Maximum number of characters to enter - 4,000

Optional field



Pharmacotherapeutic group

Maximum number of characters to enter - 4,000

At least one non-space character must be filled in.

Mandatory field


Object pharmacologicalProperties

parameter pharmacodynamics

Pharmacological properties → Pharmacodynamics

Maximum number of characters to enter  - 4,000. Mandatory field.

At least one non-space character must be filled in.


Object pharmacologicalProperties

parameter pharmacokinetics

Pharmacological properties →  Pharmacokinetics

Maximum number of characters to enter  - 4,000. Mandatory field.

At least one non-space character must be filled in.



Indications for use

Maximum number of characters to enter - 4,000 

At least one non-space character must be filled in.

Mandatory field



Contra indications

Maximum number of characters to enter - 4,000 

At least one non-space character must be filled in.

Mandatory field



With caution

Maximum number of characters to enter - 4,000 

At least one non-space character must be filled in.

Mandatory field



Use during pregnancy and lactation

Maximum number of characters to enter - 4,000 

At least one non-space character must be filled in.

Mandatory field



Dosage and administration

Maximum number of characters to enter - 4,000 

At least one non-space character must be filled in.

Mandatory field



Side effects

Maximum number of characters to enter - 4,000 

At least one non-space character must be filled in.

Mandatory field




Maximum number of characters to enter - 4,000 

At least one non-space character must be filled in.

Mandatory field



Interaction with other medicines

Maximum number of characters to enter - 4,000 

At least one non-space character must be filled in.

Mandatory field



Release form

Maximum number of characters to enter - 4,000 

At least one non-space character must be filled in.

Mandatory field


Object specialInstruction

parameter specialPatientGroups

Special warnings → Special patient groups

Maximum number of characters to enter - 4,000 

Optional field


Object specialInstruction

parameter disposalInstructions

Special warnings → Disposal instruction

 Maximum number of characters to enter - 4,000 

Optional field



Description (if necessary) of actions of doctor (physician assistant) and (or) patient when skipping receiving one or more doses of the medicine for medical use

Maximum number of characters to enter - 4,000 

Optional field



Effects of the medicine on ability to drive and use machines

Maximum number of characters to enter - 4,000 

At least one non-space character must be filled in.

Mandatory field



Expiration date

Maximum number of characters to enter - 500 

At least one non-space character must be filled in.

Mandatory field



Storage conditions

Maximum number of characters to enter - 4,000 

At least one non-space character must be filled in.

Mandatory field



Indication to store medicines for medical use out of reach of children

Maximum number of characters to enter - 4,000 

At least one non-space character must be filled in.

Mandatory field



Indication (if necessary) of special precautions for the disposal of unused medicines for medical use

Maximum number of characters to enter - 4,000

Optional field



Conditions of sale in pharmacies

Maximum number of characters to enter - 4,000 

At least one non-space character must be filled in.

Mandatory field




Maximum number of characters to enter - 4,000 

At least one non-space character must be filled in.

Mandatory field



Support service

Maximum number of characters to enter - 4,000

At least one non-space character must be filled in.

Mandatory field

Editing a container

To edit a container, click the "Edit container" button (Figure 5).

Figure 5 Display of button to edit a container 

Clicking the "Edit container" button will open a modal window to edit container data (Figure 6).

Figure 6 Editing a container content 

Parameters in the window of editing a container:


Parameter name



Container name 

A container name in any form. The container name is not checked for uniqueness.

Maximum number of characters to enter - 64.

Mandatory parameter.


JSON instruction

There are two ways to fill out JSON instruction:

  1. Adding JSON instruction as a file. Maximum file size - 2 MB

  2. Filling JSON instruction form manually.

 When adding a JSON file, data from a file attached by a participant are distributed by form fields in line with mapping.  

 Data that do not correspond to the mapping, are not transferred to the form.

 If uploaded file does not correspond to JSON or the system fails to recognize any parameter from the file, the following error will be displayed: "File upload failed. Please check if the format of uploaded file is JSON"

Mandatory parameter.

 A procedure for mapping of parameters from JSON file to form fields is the same as when creating a container - see clause "Creating a container - Mapping of parameters from JSON file to form fields"


PDF instruction

Maximum file size - 5 MB.

Optional parameter. 


Maximum number of attachments: 5 images.

A size of one file — no larger than 2 MB.

Optional parameter. 

Containers can be edited if they have one of the statuses: “Draft”, “Confirmed”, “Rejected”. After editing, a container will have the "Draft” status.

Data of the container will be replaced with values specified in the form:

  1. The old value will be updated if there is a new correct value.

  2. The old value will be deleted if there is no new value.

All created containers shall pass the moderation on the part of Operator-CRPT.

Please note that JSON instruction can be downloaded in advance in the registry of instructions and images and upload again when editing

Sending for moderation

You can send for moderation the containers that have the "Draft" status. To send a container for moderation, click the "Send for moderation" button (Figure 7).

  1. The button will be available if at least one container has been selected by using checkboxes in the registry.

  2. You can select several checkboxes.

Figure 7 Sending a container for moderation 

When clicking the "Send for moderation" button, the "Confirm sending for moderation" modal window will be opened to confirm your action. After confirming the action, all the containers sent for moderation will change their status to "Being moderated".

After moderation, the containers change their status to "Confirmed" or "Rejected" with an indication of a rejection reason.

  • The containers which have received the "Confirmed" status, are transferred to the mobile app and are displayed there.

  • The containers which have received the "Rejected" status, can be edited and re-sent for moderation.

Please note that MANAGE_CONTAINERS - "Managing instructions and images" right is required to work with the Registry.

Downloading a container

To download a container, click the "Download instructions and images" icon (Figure 8).

Figure 8 Display of button to download a container content

Container data are downloaded as an archive.

Setting the connection of a container with a medicine and batch

To set up connection with a medicine, go to the "Medicines" section, "Registry of medicines" and click the "Default container" button (Figure 9).

Figure 9 Display of medicine card and "Default container" button 

Clicking the button will open the "GTIN settings" modal window to create a connection between a container and GTIN (Figure 10).

You need to fill in the following parameters in the modal window:

  1. Default container ID - a drop-down list with all containers that have been created by the participant;

  2. Checkbox ""Default container" is used for the batches that do not have an assigned container identifier".

Figure 10 Setting connection between a container and medicine (GTIN)

One container can be specified as a default container for several GTINs.

If the default container is selected for the GTIN, a connection with this container will be automatically created for all new batches within this GTIN.

There is no automatic creation of the connection with a container for all old batches of GTIN. But if the checkbox has been selected, a container that is specified for the GTIN as a default container, will be displayed for old batch in the mobile app.

To set up connection with a batch, go to the "Medicines" section, "Registry of batches" and click the "Edit connection" button (Figure 11).

Figure 11 Display of batch card and "Edit connection" button 

Clicking the "Edit connection" button will open the "Connection editing" modal window to edit connection of a batch and container (Figure 12).

You need to fill in the "Container ID" parameter in the modal window.

Figure 12 Setting connection between a container and Batch

Viewing a container in the medicine card

In the medicine card, in the registry of medicines, you can see:

  1.  "Container ID". If the "Container ID" parameter is empty, "-" will be displayed

  2. ""Default container" is used for the batches that do not have an assigned container identifier" - "Yes"/"No" is displayed.

Please note that MANAGE_CONTAINERS - "Managing instructions and images" right is required to set up the connection of a container with a medicine and batch.

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